
Chapter Two

Adel’s pov
I disliked Verona but as long as I could get my revenge it didn’t matter. I just had to remember to watch my mouth around her, because of how violent she could be. Carefully I put on a light shade of pink lip stick before making my way to my next class. Amie was in the back checking over her fake nails and fake tan. I took a seat behind her then carefully listened into her conversations so I could hopefully get some gossip to use against her or someone else later.

“Oh em gee, did you hear that Maddie Springer’s prego?” Amie talked to one of her minions.

“No way. Goodie two shoes herself?” Daphne Pent answered.

Their conversation went on like that for awhile until they finally shut up. When I got to P.E. I saw that we were playing floor hockey. I opted out of playing since Verona was in that class with me and the look on her face said that she was out to destroy whoever got in her way. Plus there was no way I was going to let her damage my perfect face.

“Get out of my way!” Verona spat shoving down a few of our peers.

She scored a goal then lifted her hockey stick up in the air to let out a loud battle cry of victory. I rolled my eyes at her actions and pulled a bottle of white out from my back pocket and began to paint my nails with it. So what? I paint my nails with Sharpies and white out, big fucking deal. My eyes wandered around the gym, looking for a hottie with a naughty body. Jake Wade was a fine piece of meat. He would never give me the time of day since it was well known that I fuck older guys. Everyone thought of me as a slut, but I didn’t give a fuck. It wasn’t like I cared how old they were just as long as I got a little pleasure.

“Move bitch!” Verona screamed hitting Jake with the hockey puck.

The coach put Verona on the bench and had another student take Jake to the office. He didn’t even bother to give her a detention since she wouldn’t show up anyways and if she did serious shit would go down. I don’t know why the school didn’t suspend her, maybe it was because she was also a bit of a con artist or maybe because her dad practically payed the school not to.

“Sup princess?” Verona walked over to me.

I rolled my eyes, “Nothing.”

“You have a ride to Eden’s?” She asked popping a piece of double mint gum into her mouth.

“No.” I answered.

“Want one?” She asked.

I could tell she was trying to be nice so I decided to agree just not to test her limits.

“Sure thanks.” I slapped on a fake smile.

Verona pulled her hair up into a high pony tail before walking into the locker room to change. I scoffed once she was out of sight. If I was stronger I would have totally kicked her ass but then I might ruin my nails. Once the last bell rang I bolted out the front doors then waited in front of the school for Verona and Caleb. Maybe if I was lucky I would get out of this without getting hurt.
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Thank you for reading, commenting, and subscribing!!!!!!!!!!!

And a special thanks to Star Angel for being my first commenter!!!
