Status: Complete

Heroin Romancers

The end


Lizzie is downing alcohol and pills. She is dancing and swaying and giggling. Nikki tries to keep her in check but there is only so much he can do. She goes into the bathroom and swallows more pills, washing them down with alcohol. She walks out of the bathroom and says “Happy New Years,” then she hits the floor as people are cheering for the new year. It’s just past midnight as Nikki flips her onto her back and someone runs over to help. She is a nurse and she asks what Lizzie has been taking but Nikki doesn’t know. Lizzie’s lips are blue and she’s not breathing. The nurse starts CPR. She tilts Lizzie’s head back and gives her air before counting out chest compressions.
“Oh shit, oh shit, fuck!” Nikki curses, watching in horror. He realizes now how Lizzie must have felt when he OD’d in front of her. They load her onto the ambulance and Nikki goes with her because she has no one else. Everyone is staring as they pull away and Nikki says “You’ve got to save her please.”


I stopped drugs after that. It made me sick just to think about doing them again. I drifted away from Nikki because as much as I cared about him he was also the root of my drug problems. I couldn’t risk being brought down into a slip up again. I couldn’t risk my life. I didn’t want to die again. I moved away and finished photography school.

By the time I returned we were both older and everything had changed. At first we started out as old friends catching up. He told me how good it was to see me clean. “I always knew you were an angel,” he smiled.

I smiled back at him and next thing I knew we were kissing. He brought me to bed and I said “I’m too old for this.”

“Not nearly,” he replied and then we made love.

In the morning we sat facing each other. “What the fuck am I gonna’ tell my wife?” he asked me.

“Do you have to tell her?”

“Yeah,” he nodded.

She was furious. They got a divorce but not before I got to meet Nikki’s kids. I fell in love with them at first sight. Nikki and I continued our casual relationship until he met Donna. He had another baby with her then they divorced. He was 43 and I was 41. “Nikki, I’m really too old for this now,” I complained. He just grinned.

The day he asked me to marry him we were in front of Mick and Tommy and Heather. He got down on one knee and my heart raced. “Lizzie, you’ve been through hell and back with me. You’ve seen me at my lowest and for some reason kept coming back. You really are my angel. I can’t imagine being without you. I know we never officially dated but marry me Lizzie.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

And that’s the story of how I became Lizzie Sixx.