
Across the hallway...

Jade's POV

"Bye mom, see you later." I say as my mom walks out the door. She's going on a date with a collegue from work. I don't really like him, but it makes my mom happy so I'm okay with it.

"Bye sweetheart. I'll be home around midnight. Have a nice night Jade!" she says, beaming. Like I said, she likes this guy from work and is super excited to be going out with him.

"Okay, you too." I say, closing the door behind her. I have nothing planned for the night other than to study for my Social Studies exam tomorrow. I spend about an hour doing this, and then decide to go to bed. I know, what a fun night.

"Goodnight Wiggles." I say to my guinea pig. His cage is on a table to the right of my bed. He squeals in resonse. I love him, and have no clue what I'd do without him. I'm very outgoing, but I don't have many friends. Students at my school don't have the same interests as me, so I'm stuck with a guinea pig for a best friend. I turn out the light, and soon I'm fast asleep.

"Wiggles, do you hear something?" I ask. I think I hear footsteps in the kitchen down the hallway. I look at my clock and see that it's eleven thirty. Too early to be who is it? I slowly get up and crack open my door, silent as a mouse. As I peek into the hallway, I almost gasp in shock, but I stop myself just in time. Across the hallway, my mom's bedroom door is open, and there are two people standing above her jewlry case.

"So, I look good in these pearls, do I not?" I hear a man say. He's tall and lanky looking with a nasaly voice.

"George, be quiet! What if the neighbors hear? A rather chubby looking man says.

"Ralph, they won't hear...but I should be more careful. Speaking of being careful, where's the boy? Daniel, where are you?" he calls. Soon, a guy who looks to be about the same age as I am, seventeen, appears from the shadows.

"Yes?" he asks

"What did you find in the kitchen?"

"Nothing much except pots and pans. Nothing valuable." he says as if he does this everyday.

"Okay, well we've checked every room Let's leave." George says

"Wait, we haven't checked that room over there." Ralph says pointing directly at me.

"Right, well let's get this over with before someone comes back." George says, yawning. Daniel walks over to the door and opens it, revealing me. At first, they look afraid, but George quickly recovers.

"Grab her!" he says. Raplph lunges forward and grasps me tightly. He presses on a pressure point on my neck, and I have no choice but to go limp.