
Sitting on the porch...

Jade's POV

"So you'll be gone for how long?" I ask

"Oh...we'll be back tomorrow evening. Don't burn down the house!" Lucy says laughing

"Of course not, bye!" I say

"Seeya later." Dan says. Bob and Lucy leave in their car to drive to the supermarket. They live so far in the middle of nowhere that it takes a while to get to a grocery store. They're leaving Dan and I alone...they've sort of adopted us.

"Dan, how long are we going to stay here?"

"As long as they let us. This place is so far out in the middle of nowhere it will take a long time for my dad's people to find us."

"But... I want to go home too." I say. My eyes start to water.

Dan's POV

Darn it, I made her cry. Crap....

"Don't cry Jade, atleast you're not alone." I say hoping to cheer her up.

"I guess so..." she says giving me a half smile

"Don't you think that we should go to the authorities? I mean...they would probably know about me being missing and could take me home."

"So I mean nothing to you?"

" know I want you to come too!" she said

"That isn't what it sounded like." I say upset.

"Well you're being selfish too! You just don't want to face your dad!"

"And if you met him you wouldn't want to either!" I yelled. We were silent for a while, and then Jade stormed off. I saw her go to the porch. I go to the kitchen and get an apple. I start to think about our argument and then I realize how dumb I was being.

"Jade?" I say when I walk onto the porch. I hear her crying.

"What?" she says coldly

"I'm sorry." I say. She looks up.

"I'm sorry too. We should work together on a plan...we can't stay here forever."

"Right." I say. The sun is slowly setting on the's actually really pretty.

"The sunset is beautiful." Jade says

"Yeah, I was just noticing the same thing."

"This reminds me of the ending of romantic movies...the suns setting, all the conflicts are solved, and the two heronines kiss. I always loved watching movies with my mom." Jade said with an edge of sadness. I lean in and kiss her.

"Wow that was a suprise." she said. I couldn't tell if she was sarcastic or not.

"You'll see your mom again, I promise." I say ignoring the comment. She smiles at me, and I know she believes it's true.