
Rebecca Divanni

Jade's POV

"Sit." the Officer says. I don't sit at first, but Dan pulls me down with him.

"I'm not on this case you two, but I hope it turns out alright." Mr. Hopkins says smiling. We got to know eachother on the way here...or atleast he and Dan did. I sat silently.

"Thanks. Go home and take care of your wife." Dan says cheerfully.

'I will. And a tip, just tell the truth. It helps." Officer Hopkins says, walking out the door. We're left alone, locked in a small white room with four chairs in it.

"He was nice." Dan says, breaking the silence.

"You were so cheerful, like nothing in the world was wrong. How?" I ask.

"I have faith."

"Um...exaggerate for me."

"I believe we can get out of this...I love you that much." he says grinning. I can't believe his's crazy.

"You are truly amazing! What would I have done if I'd never been kidnapped?"

"Probably lived a normal life."

"I never wanted a truly NORMAL life."

"I would have killed for a normal life." he said, all the sadness returning to his face. I feel bad for causing it.

"Dan, no matter what I will never wish none of this had happened. It's helped me appriciate life...and it helped me find you." I say, looking into his eyes and truly, TRULY hoping he knew I meant it with all my being. I think he figured it out.

"Come here." he said. I moved my chair closer to his, and he kissed me. Nothing big, just a peck, but I loved it all the same.

"Well EXCUSE ME for intruding!" someone says..loudly. Oh. My. Gosh. It's my mother.

"Mom?" I say, too stunned for many words. She looks tired, a little confused, and mad...all at the same time. It's not a good look.

"Yeah, it's me honey." she says, smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen her make.

"Aw mom!" I say, running over to her. We embrace for what seems like hours, and it's wonderful. I missed my mom so much!

"As lovely as this is, we have some discussing to do." a man in uniform says. He looks stern.

"Yes sir. We do." my mother says.

"First of all, I need to make sure I know all of you. You are Rebecca Divanni, and this is your daughter Jade Divanni?"

"That would be correct." she says, putting on her serious face.

"And you are Daniel Crestin?"

"Um..yes." Dan says uneasily. I almost forgot he was here because of the excitment at seeing my mom. Remembering where we are reminds me of how serious this is.

"Okay, so I'm going to question you seperately. Jade you're first."

"I'll be back." I say giving my mom and Dan a meaningful look. I wonder what they'll talk about...all alone?

Dan's POV

We sat there for a while in silence, but I don't like too much silence.

"Mrs. Divanni you have a wonderful daughter."

"I was aware of that." she says coldly. Ouch.

"Look, I promise I would never hurt her. I..."

"That I doubt."

"Mrs. Divanni...please...I..."

"Don't finish your sentence."

"I LOVE HER!" I yelled. And more silence followed that...

"Young man, you are in big trouble. Please, just stay away from my daughter. She doesn't know what she's doing..."

"That's not true."

"You're a good for nothing high school drop out."

"How do you know that?"

"They have records."


"They've been looking for you."

'How did they..."

"You're father came to find you."

"HE DIDN'T YOU LIAR!" I said a little louder than I meant to.

"Yes he did, I saw."

"He would NEVER get anywhere near the police. Not for me, not for anyone."

"Oh, yes, he got arrested." she says as if it has no meaning.

"He...He's in jail?"

"Yes. Now you understand why I know you're a hooligian."

"Just because of my father?"

"And now I see you've been messing with my daughter's feelings." she says. I have nothing more to say. I was optimistic earlier but somehow I can't find the silver lining anymore.

Jade's POV

"Next I need Daniel. Follow me." the man says. Dan gets up and does as he's told, avoiding my glance.

"Mom, did you guys talk?" I ask, sitting in a chair next to her.

"Yes, we had a chat." she says briskly. Now I know why he was looking down.

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing dear, nothing."

"I know you told him something."

"Honey, you need to stop thinking about him."

"What? Why? What's wrong?"

"He's a hooligan, a thief. And he has a record."

"You don't know who he truly is!"

"Do you, Jade? How could you?"

"We've been together a long time."

"I don't want to know what you've been doing with him."

'Mom! That has nothing to do with it!"

"Look, I don't like him."

"Well I happen to think very highly of him."

"You're just a teenager."

"Mom, you and I used to be equals. What happened?"

"Honey, we're just not agreeing."

"Mom, what do you know about him?" I ask. She lists numerous accounts of theft, burglary, and even lighting a school on fire. Wow he does have a record.

"You know, he saved my life." I said.

"Really?" she asks. I tell her all about our time together, because it might be the only way to find our relationship again. I used to tell her everything, why stop now?

"Jade, did that TRULY all happen?" she asks after I'm done.

"Yes, everything. And you'll be happy to know I left no detail out." I say. My mom looks at me.

"If he's kept you together this well, maybe he's not so bad at all." she says thoughtfully. In a few minutes, Dan and the man in uniform walk back into the room. Dan takes a seat next to me. My mother's eyes meet his and she gives him a knowing smile. Somehow, he understands and smiles back.

"I've questioned the subjects who needed to be questioned, therefore you can leave." the man says. We all get up.

"Wait, Daniel, you have to stay here for the night." he says. Dan doesn't fight it.

"We'll let you know what the verdict is." the man says, opening the door for my mom and I to leave.

"We'll be taking Dan with us too." she says.

"I think not." the officer says

"Well...we want to see him to wherever he'll be staying before he goes."

"Very well, this way." the man says reluctantly. I can tell my mom's motherly instinct is taking over. Dan looks confused but I'll tell him about my mom and I talking later.

If I'd known there might never be a later, I might I have spoken up.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Hope you liked it :-D
Comments appriciated :-)
Update: I fixed the spelling errors. Sorry, I mess up when I type fast :-P