
Free Him

Jade's POV

It's cold in this room. The court is empty except for me, my mom, a judge, and a small jury.

"Sir, after hearing that, how could you not believe me?" I ask the judge.

"You're holding back." she says, her emotions unchanging. This women is hard to reach...she's so unfeeling.

"I've told you everything you need to know." I plead.

"Obviously not." she says. I almost cry, but I hold it in for the sake of staying strong. My mom comes up behind me.

"You're right, she's holding back. Tell her. Everything. Every detail." my mom orders me. I turn toward her to object. I mean, who wants to tell some meanie pants about your relationship with a guy? It'll probably make no differance. She gives me a look that's meant to say 'Do it, or else face the consequence.' I try to start telling my story over, with more feeling, but I just can't bring myself to reveal it. I turn towards my mom for help, but she's not giving any right now. I panick. I can't do it! But then I remember Dan's hope filled eyes, and I suck it up and begin.

"Dan became more that just a friend to me..."


Rebecca's POV

My daughter did her best, and Judge Harperson was almost convinced. I could tell she was having trouble believing a teenager. I glanced over at Jade and saw the defeated look on her face. She tried so hard to get the judge on her side, to get her to understand. There must be a way to get this women to feel, to empathize.

"Excuse me, Judge Harperson, may I ask a question?" I ask.

"Permission granted." she says. I take a deep breath. This idea is crazy enough to work.

"Do you have a daughter?"

"Well...yes. Her name is Molly," she says with a slight smile on her face, but it only lasts a second, "What does this have to do with it?"

"You, being a mother, must know how much a daughter is cherished. When I came home to an empty house, my heart broke. It tore me apart, knowing my little girl was out in the unknown...maybe even dead. Then, when I finally found out she was alive, I was extactic. Imagine walking in a room expecting to find the same old girl but finding instead a totally different daughter. I was angry, angry my daughter wasn't with me anymore and was more familiar with a boy than me. But she really was there, just a little changed. And even though I have my doubts in Dan I trust my daughter to make the right decision, and to live as I've taught her to. Would you expect anything less from Molly?" I say. One tear falls down my cheek. It was such a freeing feeling to tell someone what I went through. I look up at the judge to see someone much different than before. I no longer saw a heartless prosecuter but a kind mother only wishing to guide the way. A silence follows my speech. The judge looks to the jury for approval, and then speaks the words that could save Daniel.

"Daniel Crestin is innocent and will be released. Also..." she says, and I don't hear anything else she says. My daughter is too busy squeezing the life out of me.

"Mom, you are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I love you." she says so genuinely I can't help but smile. I thought I might never hear that again.
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So please comment :-P

Oh and btw thanks for reading my story! I appriciate it SO much!
Oh what the heck, free hugs for all!!! *hug* *hug* *hug*

And I also want to let you know that I have NO clue about legal stuff whatsoever so I tried my best on this...sorry if I messed up :-D