
In the back of a truck...

Jade's POV

I awaken in the back of what seems to be a moving truck. My hands and legs are tied together with rope, and it's rubbing irritably on my skin. As I open my eyes, I see Daniel sitting in front of me, reading a book.

"Excuse me." I say daringly. I don't know if it's appropriate to talk if you're a captive, afterall I've never been one. I'm the type who loves the thrill of taking risks. He looks up, suprised.

"Yes?" he says. Actually, he seemed rather polite.

"Where am I?"

"In the back of a truck."

"But WHERE?"

"I'm not authorized to tell you that."

"Okay. So...I'm Jade. What's your name?" I asked, even though I already knew.

"You can call me Dan."

"Okay, Dan." I say, pleased I got some information out of him. I try and sit still, but it's really hard to when you're so bored.

"Dan, I'm bored."

"Okay." he says without glancing up from his book.

"Entertain me." I say, remembering a movie I once saw. A kid named Bobby got kidnapped and he tried to make friends with his captors. Even though it didn't work out for him, maybe it could for me.

"Sorry, I have no way to entertain you. I know it's boring but you'll get used to it."

"Tell me about yourself. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone...afterall I'm stuck here."

"My name is Daniel, I have two brothers. We work together in the family business. Their names are George and Ralph. I hate my job, and wish I could go to school. But my father makes me do this, so here I am. Anything else you want to know?" he says without emotion.

"Um...that's a pretty good start." I say. There's silence for another ten minutes, then I'm completely bored again.

"I'm going to tell you about me now, ok?" I ask. I get no reply, but I start anyway.

"My name is Jade, as I said. I live with my mother, and my parents are divorced. I like pop music, but I'm willing to try other types. I love tater tots, and I have since I was a kid. I work out every day from three to four. My favorite color is purple and my favorite animals are seals. I have no siblings, and I've always wanted a twin. My favorite books are fantasys and my favorite food...oh wait I already told you that. So anyway...."

"Could you PLEASE stop talking! I'm trying to read here." he says

"Oh...I'm sorry." I say, dissapointed. He sees I'm upset, and looks sorry about it.

"I know it's boring, and I know you're tired of sitting around. Trust me, I know."

"So...what could I entertain YOU with?" I ask, trying a new tactic. Maybe if I appeal to what he likes he might take more of an interest.

Daniel's POV

She wants to entertain me? She won't take no for an answer will she?

"Okay, tell me about High School." I say. I missed out on all of that so maybe she could tell me about it.

"Okay!" she says, cheering up. And then, she tells me everything from homework to boyfriends. By the end of the day, I know more about her than I ever expected I would.