
The Middle of Nowhere...

Jade's POV

It's been ten days since I was captured. I'm losing hope of ever getting free. It's been a long day of slient driving, and I just can't help but feel depressed.

"You'll be slightly more entertained tonight." Dan says.

"Why is that?" I ask extremely curious.

"We're going to the safe house tonight, and you'll be able to walk around a little bit." he says, looking a little bit cheerful at the prospect. After a few minutes a quiet thinking, Ralph opens the back of the truck.

"Restroom stop." he says. Carefully, he unties my hands and legs while keeping a grasp on my arm. I'm used to this by now. The first day, I struggled, but it was no use. He is much stronger than he looks. We walk into the woods, and he lets me go.

"Remember, I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it." he says, motioning to the pistol in his pocket. I try my best to ignore it, and go behind a tree to relieve myself.

"Come on girl, back to the truck." he says laughing, making fun of my unfortunate position. I hate him, and I can't take it anymore. I make a run for it.

"COME BACK HERE!" he says yelling. George and Dan come over and see me bolting through the forest.

"Shoot her!" George says. Aiming at my leg, Ralph takes a shot, and it hits its mark. I scream in pain, and collapse on the ground. I try and drag myself farther, but I don't get far.

"Don't do that again, or I might have to kill you." Ralph says laughing again. My leg is giving me agonizing pain, and I faint on the spot.

Daniel's POV

Jade is one of the bravest girls I've ever known. I'm amazed she tried to run away, even though the odds were against her.

"Take her back to the truck." George orders me. I pick up her limp body and manage to carry her back. Lucky for her, I know how to treat wounds and things like that. The only kinds of books I've ever read are medical books since those are the only ones my family keeps around the house. My father's cover identity is a docter, and my mother's is a nurse. My dad has to have the books around the house so he can act the part. I take out the bullet as best I can and bandage the wound. She wakes up a few hours later.

"You shouldn't have done that." I say

"I had to, he was LAUGHING at me! How rude is that?" she says with defiance. I see a sparkle in her eye I hadn't seen for a few days. Clearly she was feeling more rebellious.

"That's only scratching the surface unfortunately." I say.

"My leg hurts so much!" she says. I know how she feels...I got hit by a bullet in my arm once. It wasn't pretty.

"I'll try and help it heal quickly." I say, hoping to give her a little comfort.

"Thanks." she says, flashing me one of her extremely pretty grins. She's a charmer, that's for sure.

"We should be at the safe house soon." I say. It only has three rooms but it will be better than living in the back of a stupid truck. In just a few minutes, the truck stops.

"Welcome to your new home." George says as he opens the back of the truck. Jade looks out and takes it all in. The small three room house doesn't look promising to her, and what's even worse is that we're in the middle of nowhere.