
At the house...

Dan's POV

"I know it's not very nice, but...."

"Well, it's way nicer than the back of a truck." she says.

"I hope you don't mind..."

"I don't mind that you have to stay here too. It's good strategy on your brother's part." she says, reading my mind. I'm glad she recognizes I don't want her here. Well, I mean I like that she's here, it's fun to have company, but she knows I don't support the family business.

"I guess so. Anyway, do you want moldy matress number one or moldy matress number two?" I say, trying to be funny. This once, it works. She laughs, and I feel good I made her a little happier.

"I think I'll take number one." she says, laying down.

"Is there a bathroom?"

"Yeah, through that door. There's everything you might need in there: toothbrush, etc." I say. She walks into a small room off of the room we have to stay in. The house only has three rooms, and two bathrooms. Two rooms are for sleeping and one is for a kitchen.

"Wow, this is like paradise compared to what I've been through." Jade says happily, but then she remembers she's a prisoner here and starts to frown again.

"Yeah, and the best part is there are a few board games and books. Of course, I've played them a million times and read the books five times over." I say.

"I LOVE board games! Could you go get one?" she asks.

"Okay." I say, happy to please her. I pick out monopoly because it will keep us entertained for the longest.

"Before we start to play, I want you to know you're free to wander aorund the house, but you can't go outside or you'll set off an alarm."

"Thanks, I kind of figured." she sighed.

"So, let's get started." I say. We commence to play monopoly for four hours straight.

"I can't believe you beat me!" she says laughing.

"I'm not suprised, I've had tons of time to perfect my skills. You'll learn my tricks soon enough."

"Yeah...can I ask you a question?"


"Am I ever getting out of here?" she asks. I hate to tell her the answer.

"The only way you'll ever get out of here is if you're a dead corpse being taken to be buried."

"Oh." she says, looking really upset. She starts to cry.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be crying...I just..." she says with a few more tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, it's not fun to be confined. I bet you miss your family."

"Yeah, and my guinea pig Wiggles." she says smiling a bit. She tells me all about Wiggles and how he likes carrots and jelly beans. I wish I could have a pet.

Jade's POV

He's a really good listener, and I like that.

"Sorry about rambling on, but it's nice to remember him." I say

"No, it's not a problem. Anyway, I was just thinking..." he says, but he's interupted by a knock on the door.

"Little brother, get out here!" a voice calls. I think it's George.

"Coming..." he says.

What do they want?" I ask

"I don't know. I'll be back." he says, walking away. I can't help but want to hear what they're saying, so I put my ear up to the door.

"I want an update on the girl." George says.

"What do you mean?" Dan asks.

"Does she still have some fight left in her, if you know what I mean." George says

"She's an energetic girl, if that's what you mean." he says

"NO I MEAN DO YOU THINK SHE'LL CAUSE ANYMORE TROUBLE!" he yells. Wow he's got a short temper. Dan thinks for a minute.

"No." he says

"Are you sure?" Ralph asks.

"Yeah, now can I go back to my room? I'm tired."

"Sure, keep an eye on her. We can't afford to let her escape. Although, if she did there's no way she'd find her way home..." George says laughing. I hear George and Ralph go into their room, and Dan walks over to our door and opens it to find me standing there.

"What did you mean by you didn't think I'd cause anymore trouble?" I ask, angry.

"You shouldn't eavesdrop." he says bluntly.

"Just because I haven't fought too hard yet doesn't mean I won't!"

"I believe you." he says. What is his problem?

"Then why did you..."

"I said it because they would have KILLED you if they thought you were going to try and escape. Did you ever think of THAT? They don't mind you around if you don't do anything bothersome...they might be mean but they don't like to kill. They're not completely cold hearted. The point is that I didn't want you to die, okay?" he says, sitting himself on his mattress and handing me a blanket. I stare at him in disbelief.

"Thanks...and sorry..." I say, but I don't get a reply. I wish I didn't always jump to conclusions.