

Jade's POV

We haven't talked in two days, me and Dan that is. I'm bored and lonely without him.

"Dan, I'm sorry." I say

"Why?" he asks

"Because I snapped at you, and..."

"I'm sorry if I seem distant but it's not you fault."

"If it's not my fault...then what's eating you?" I ask. He doesn't answer for a minute, but he eventually tells me.

"I was just sad. I hate my life, and I wish everyday I could leave. And the other day when you got upset reminded me how I mess everything up somehow." he says, looking really down.

"What do you mean? I was the one eavesdropping, and I always jump to conclusions..." I say thinking. I then find out something.

"You hate your life, I mean REALLY hate it?" I ask

"Yeah...I do."

"You've never..."

"Cut myself? Yeah...I have." he says. I stare, probably looking really stupid.

"But you don't anymore...right?"

"Not since I made a friend."

"Who?" I ask, sounding extremely, extremely stupid.

"" he says shyly. My first thought is to give him a hug, so of course I do. We hug for a minute...but then I realize it's kind of aukward.

"I'm glad I've done something right." I say trying to lighten up the atmosphere. It takes him a second to recover.

"Yeah...thanks." he says smiling.

Dan's POV

Wow...what the heck just happened? I just told her something I'd never told anyone before...and I never planned to. But, it just slipped out because I knew she was getting at it, or something similar to it. And then she hugged me? I mean...I enjoyed it...but it was weird. The truth is, nobody's ever cared about me like that.

"So...I was thinking maybe I could make hot chocolate. There's one packet, and I figure we might as well steal it before my brothers find it." I say the next morning. Nothing like chocolate to wake you up in the morning.

"Yeah, definitely!" she says cheerily. I am beyond amazed. Despite everything she still is as bouncy as ever. A few weeks ago I thought she'd finally cracked, but she proved me wrong. I boil a pot of water for the coco.

"So...where have your brothers been?" she asks. Good question.

"I really don't know."

"I know I shouldn't, but I feel really uneasy about them. You don't think they're out stealing stuff or something?"

"Probably. Anyway, if it's bothering you I'll figure out where they've been going."

"Thanks." she says. I take the boiling water off of the stove and pour it into two cups. Then the powder goes in and we enjoy the morning.

Jade's POV

A few hours ago Dan left to find his brothers. He thought they might be at a bar in town...supposedly they like to drink and were favorite customers. Being at the house alone is rather scary, and I can't wait for Dan to get back. When he walks through the door I'm super excited.

"You have no clue how scary it is to be here alone! I almost set of the alarm going out of the house, but I caught myself." I say laughing, but Dan doesn't return my giddiness. Instead he grabs my arm, punches a code in a pad by the door, and pulls me outside.