


Jade's POV

It's raining like crazy, and all I want is to find a jacket. I'm cold, wet, and tired. Dan has been dragging me along through the woods, and I want to know what's going on.

"Okay, why are we here?" I ask.

"They had plans, and I wasn't following along."

"What do you mean? Are you talking about your brothers?

"Yes...they thought it was too risky to have you around anymore...they were going to get rid of you." he said gimly.

"So...why didn't we do this before?" I ask. Afterall, it would have made sense.


"They were family, and you had always supported them before. I get it."

"I guess so...but it's more than that. I've always been weak, I've never fought back. But seeing how you had hope inspired me to have some too, and to do what I've always wanted to do."

"So I guess we're on the run then." I say, scared to death.

"I guess so, and it's going to be really dangerous because when my father finds out he'll have all of his men searching for us."

"How many are there?"

"More than I can count...sort of like a mini army if you think about it." he says. Now I am even more scared than before.

"So where are we going?"

"I have no clue. I don't even know where we are. But we'll make it somehow, I just know it." he says confidently. He's obviously overjoyed he finally left his evil family.

Dan's POV

She's unsure of me, I can tell. I know the plan doesn't sound very convincing, but I know how to survive in the outdoors. My uncle Steve loved hiking, and he taught me everything he knew about nature. Then he mysteriously dissapeared after he failed a mission my father sent him on...ANYWAY...I'm glad I remember everything he told me.

"We have to find shelter, and that cave might do the trick." I say, pointing to a cave in a small hill.

"Check to make sure nothing's living in it." Jade says nervously. I do as she says, and there seems to be no inhabitants. We go inside and sit down, but then I realize we need to make a fire. I gather some wood and we wait for it to dry a little. Then I take out a box of matches I always have in my pocket just in case. There was this one time where it would have come in handy to have a match...don't now I keep a box in my back pocket. I manage to make a measly fire. We huddle around it, begging the ire to make more warmth.

"I know this isn't perfect...but you know you couldn't have stayed."

"Why do you always apologize? You've done everything right...and...I really appriciate it." she says giving me a smile that made my heart melt.


"Sure. So...maybe we could play a game, to pass the time." she suggests.

"Good idea...but there's not much we can do."

"I have an idea! We can take telling eachother something the other person doesn't know about them. I'll favorite candy to eat starbursts. Alright, your turn."

" favorite movie is The Aristocats." I say just to make things interesting.

"Are you serious!" she says laughing.

"Uh, yeah. I used to watch it everyday when I was a kid. I loved the orange kitten, and used to aspire to be like him."

"That was an interesting piece of information. My turn...let me think...oh, I have one! My most embarressing moment was in the fifth grade when I got an eraser stuck in my ear..." she says. I immediately start cracking up.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a long story..."

"We've got time." I say, so she tells the story. After the story we keep playing the game, and we continue to get to know eachother.

"Okay, your turn Dan." Jade says. I've run out of things to say! Or so I think...but one more comes to mind.

"I thought of one."

"Well, do tell!" she says happilly.

"I really want to kiss you right now." I say daringly. We sit in silence for a few minutes. Then Jade scooches a little closer to me.

"Really?" she asks

"Yeah, and..." I say, but before I finish she leans and we engage in a deep kiss that I'll remember for the rest of my life.
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