

Jades POV

I want to just wither away and die. Anything would be better than this.

"Jade, hang in there!" Dan says.

"I'm hot..." I say, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"In more than one way..." he says to himself. I would laugh, but I just can't.

"The fever's not your vision blurry?" he asks

"A little..." I mumble. We're in an abandoned shack like building, and I feel terribly sick.

"I'm going to..." I start to say, but I interupt myself by vomiting on the floor.

"You're really sick aren't you?" Dan asks. I want to answer but I don't have enough energy.

"We have to get help." he says.

"Where?" I say faintly.

"I don't know." he says

Dan's POV

This is bad. This is beyond bad. First of all, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere and I'm pretty sure nowhere doesn't have medical assistance. Second, we're hiding from my family...and if you're somehow in contact with others you'd have to be really crafty not to be found. And third, what if the people we find somehow know about Jade's kidnapping. What if they think I'm the kidnapper? Even though I was involved I never wanted to be...still that puts me in a bad situation.

"Dan..." Jade says

"Yes, what is it? I'm here."

"Help me." she says.

"I don't know..." I start to say, but then I realize how selfish I am. Jade needs help and all I can think about is getting caught by the authorities, or worse. I start to think about my options, and get one idea. I'm going to go for it.

"Jade, I'm going to carry you. Don't worry, we'll get someone to help us."

"Ok..." she says faintly. I pick her up and begin walking. Anywhere will do, I just have to find somewhere. After a few minutes, Jade falls asleep. I keep trudging along and then it starts to rain. I ignore it and keep going. After hours of non stop moving, I see a light in the distance. It's only one little dot, and it looks like it's rather far...but it fills me with hope none the less.

Jade's POV

The sun shines on my face and I wake up.

"Hello?" I ask. I hear footsteps coming towards the room, and then a middle aged women walks in.

"Oh, we're so glad you're awake deary! Bob, our little patient's up!" she says cheerfully. As I wake up I get more and more confused.

"Where's Dan?" I ask

"Oh he's asleep on the couch. Don't worry he's fine, just exausted." A man walks in and says. He must be Bob.

"So, do you feel better?" the women asks

"Actually...yes. What happened?"

"We'll tell you all about it." Bob says to me. Then he starts the story, and everything starts making sense.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was on vacation. Hope you like the new chapter!