
Questions answered...

Jade's POV

Bob just exlplained everything. Dan carried me to this house, and luckily the Pinkerton's live so far out in the middle of nowhere they have a stock of medicine and are well educated. I could have died if Dan hadn't found this place.

"So why do you two live out here all alone?" I ask

"We wanted a simple life, and to escape to coninually more technology dependant world. Plus, land was cheap." Bob explains. Bob's wife, whos name is Lucy, nods.

"Do you have cable out here?"

"Nope. We don't have TV or telephone. We don't even get a newspaper! The only way we hear about what's going on in the world is by a letter we recieve once a month from our son, Ronald." Lucy says sighing. She obviously misses her son.

"Wow, you're really roughing it."

"Well not as much as you and Dan!" Bob says

"He told you what we're doing!" I say, totally suprised. Why would he do that?

"Of course. We can't believe how you to are trying to live off the wild! That would be a little much for us." Lucy says laughing

"Oh, right!" I say, relieved. I should have known he wouldn't have told, that would have been rediculous...right?

"Are you hungry?" Lucy asks me.

"Yes!" I say eagerly. She smiles.

"Follow me to the kitchen. After you eat we'll find you some clothes, afterall you're positively filthy!" she says chuckling. I look down at my clothes and realize they aren't the most presentable looking things in the world. I've washed them in a stream once can imagine. Lucy makes me the best breakfast I've had in a long time. Scrambled eggs, sausage, and pancakes (needless to say I'm not used to eating so much so I hardly touch any of it.).

"Thanks SO much for the breakfast...I just can't possibly finish it all." I say

"That's ok, I'll help you out." a familiar voice says. I turn around in my chair to see Dan walk through the door. He takes the seat next to me.

"Are you sure you're done with that?" Dan asks laughing.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I say, pushing the plate towards him. Bob brings him a fork and before I know it all the food I left is gone. How do guys eat so much?

"So, how old are you two again?" Lucy asks.

"We're seventeen." Dan says.

"Oh...don't you go to school?" Bob asks, frowning.

"I've had to work since I was fifteen." he says

"And what about Jade?" Lucy asks

"She..." Dan says, out of ideas

"I've had to work too. Money's tight in my family. Of course I plan on finishing my education someday." I say, lying. Dan gives me a knowing glance. We have to make this so they don't suspect anything.

"Oh, well I do hope you'll finish you're education soon. It's important." Lucy says.

"After this adventure, we'll both go back to school." I say, looking at Dan. I don't think he understands that I mean it. Hopefully he'll be able to find a place to live in my town...maybe if we're lucky. I would miss him dearly...he's the best friend I've ever had. We sit in silence for a few minutes, then Bob looks at his watch.

"Lucy, look at the time." Bob says. She peeks at his watch.

"Oh we have to go do our daily meditations." she says to Dan and I.

"Um...what?" Dan says confused.

"Bob and I meditate everyday for four hours starting at ten o' clock. It cleanses the soul you know." She says smiling.

"We'll be back at three o' clock." Bob says, dragging Lucy outside. They walk out onto their porch and sit on blue mats.

"Nice couple huh?" Dan says

"Yeah...although I never thought I'd see two middle aged people meditating." I say laughing.

"Right. So did Lucy find you new clothes?" he asks. For the first time I notice he's wearing a new shirt and a new pair of pants.

"" I say.

"I know where she keeps them, and she probably wouldn't mind if we took something as long as we tell her later." he says.

"Ok, that would be great!" I say happily. It will be nice to get some new clothes. Dan leads me into what looks like a storage room and pulls out a box full of old clothes.

"All of these clothes belonged to their children when they still lived at home." Dan said. When I was digging through the box I found some girl clothes, to my suprise.

"I only heard them mention a son." I said

"Their daughter died in a car accident." Dan said solemnly. We don't speak for a while.

"I found some clothes, lets put the box back." I suggest.

"What did you find?" he asks. I show him a pair of jeans and a light blue tee. Simple but useable. I also grabbed a green tank top to use after I mess up the blue shirt. Dan chuckles.

"Glad you're thinking ahead." he says, refering the extra shirt.

"Yeah." I say smiling. I go into the bathroom and change. It's suprising how good clean clothes can make you feel. I walk out into the small living room to see him sitting on the couch.

"Not much too do huh?" I say

"Yeah..but it's nice to be able to relax. Somehow this place is really peaceful." Dan said smiling.

"I guess so. Um how long are we planning on staying here?"

"I'm not sure...more the reason to enjoy the moment." he says. I can't believe how profound that was.

"You're How come you always say stuff like that?" I ask

"What do you mean?"

"There's so much wisdom behind that."

"I've seen a lot I guess...and I recognize the good stuff." he says with hurt in his eyes. He's been through a lot.

"Well...I'm glad I met you because you always put life in perspective." I say. Everyday he means more and more to me.

Dan's POV

She looks at me with such admiration, like I've never done anything bad...which definitely isn't true. I've done so many bad things, and been a part of so much evil. I'd never known much else, but somehow I managed to feel like there was something better, and Jade showed me that my life was not normal. I don't think I ever want to be without her...and yet I know somehow we'll end up apart.