Culture Shocked

Chapter 1-

It seems that where ever I go I run into him. Marilyn Manson's bass player, Twiggy Ramirez, always seems depressed or lonely. I finally think its time to chat to him.
"Hello, Mister Ramirez.." he looked up and smiled at me.
"Emeril, is it?"
"Yeah. I really wanted to thank you for helping me get another key for my room.."
"Yeah, anytime man.."
"So listen, I would think you know about these parties after concerts, whats your opinion on if I should go or not?"

He thought for a long second.
"You know what? why dont we go together? I mean this is your first Earth's drug & alcohol party, right? I think you should have someone by your side, just in case you over dosed."
I nodded.
"Yeah sounds after the concert?"
"Yep. See you then." He got up and headed towards the left side of the stage where his dressing room is. I did the same except mine was on the right side of stage. I started walking and noticed my gutarist, Andee Strolve, talking to his shadow. I guess the lights were so bright here you can notice. Usually when Andee's shadow appears, it means bad luck. Thats only after the bad luck happens. I wonder why its here now?

An agnoized scream scared me. Andee's shadow disappeared. I turned around to see a groupie girl crushed under a giant spot light from the ceiling. It actually split the top layer of her belly skin into two. Obviously she needed stitches. Everyone circled around her as Manson called an ambulance. I knew Andee's shadow causes someone to get hurt, especially towards girls he likes. He was talking to this girl an hour ago. I guessed why this all happened.

I have a bad feeling more is to come on this tour. Not sure why though. The ambulance came and gently tried to save her life. After the show we got news that the girl will survive, just will have a giant scar on her belly.
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The setting is future. When the 1998 band members of Marilyn Manson all re-joins the band, and the USA are in contact with people from Mars. A mysterious culture, only Emeril KZ and his band are allowed to tour on Earth with Marilyn Manson.