Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

One: Start of Fifth Year

~a dark voice whispered,” Put your head down Locklyn.”
I obeyed my guardian. We arrived at a huge white mansion. I followed my guardian to the door as he knocked on the door. A man with platinum blonde hair opened the door,” Ah, Severus. What are you doing here?”
The blonde man looked down at me and asked sharply,” who is this?”
Snape answered,” Locklyn Riddle.”
The blonde man stood his ground not moving from the doorway, looking for more explanation on who I was.
Snape said,” Lucius, who else did we know with the last name Riddle?”
Lucius looked at me. My high pitched beautiful voice jolted Lucius as I took off my hood to speak,” I’m Lord Voldemorts daughter…”~

I now sat at the Slytherin table; it had five years since I met the Malfoy family. Draco and I were best friends. I also knew Harry Potter; I was friends with him to. The boy, who lived, had no idea that I was Lord Voldemorts daughter. Then again a whole bunch of people didn’t know that.
Draco didn’t like the fact that I was close to Harry. All the crap Harry does every year, usually I help. Draco doesn’t know I help though. For Some reason it’s like a duty to me. I’m aware that my father is an evil wizard. And I know what he is doing is wrong. But none of the death eaters know that. Sometimes I felt like I’m on two sides, a good and bad side.

Draco interrupted my thoughts,” Locklyn, we have to hide all of Looney Lovegoods shoes this year!”
I snapped out of my trance,” huh?”
Goyle laughed at me. I looked at him with an evil glare. He immediately stopped laughing and looked down at his food. Dumbledore stood up and started his usual speech, no going in the forbidden forest, blah blah blah. He welcomed a new defense against the dark arts teacher. The Slytherin gossip was that D.A.D.A was cursed. No teacher had that class for more than one year. We looked at the new teacher. Her name was Professor Umbridge. Draco whispered,” My dad said the minister wanted her here. Hogwarts standards are dropping.” I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
I had a bright blue eyes and midnight brown hair. I was 5’6 at fifteen years old. Draco’s two close friends Crabb and Goyle were terrified of me. They of course knew I was Voldemorts daughter because Draco told them about anything… I was smart, pretty, and charming. I had a dazzling smile. I also talked Parseltongue. I got that from my father. That’s what made Harry and I friends in our second year. He felt like an outcast after discovering he could speak a language he didn’t even know. So I let him know that I could speak it to. I for sure didn’t want to be a death eater. Ever since Voldemort returned I tried to persuade Draco not to be death eater later in life and all he would say was,” It’s my duty Locklyn, my father is a loyal death eater, so I should be one to. You should also be one! Your father is the leader! He would love you to join!”

I turned my head to look at the Gryffindor table. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione looked back at me. I smiled. They all smiled and waved to me. I turned back around to face Draco. He was looking at me with a sly smile on his face. I asked,” What?”
Draco said distastefully,” You and potty?”
I rudely replied,” we are just friends. At least it’s better than you and Pantie.”
Pansy Parkinson yelled,” I heard that Riddle!”
I ignored her still looking at Draco’s unbreakable stare. He whispered,” Your just jealous.”
I shook my head and tried listening to Umbridge’s long boring speech about the ministry.

Finally we were allowed to go our common rooms. Draco and I became the two prefects. I stood up and yelled,” Slytherins follow me!” I showed the first years where the common room is and walked to the Snapes office.
*Knock Knock*
His monotone voice said,” Come in…”
I opened the door and walked gracefully in the room. He looked up from a letter he was writing. I smiled at him and sat in the chair by his desk. He asked,” What is it you need Locklyn?”
I said,” Well I was just wondering if I have to become a death eater?”
He looked at me sternly,” No Locklyn, you don’t have to. Sometimes it’s a choice.” It looked like he had more to say but he didn’t say it. I nodded,” Okay, thanks sir.” He waved me off.

I walked down the dungeon corridor when Draco jumped out at me. He cornered me. I asked,” What do you want Draco?”
He laughed,” You are so jealous.”
I chuckled,” I am not! But I know you are.”
He shook his head still laughing.
I said,” Then prove it.”
He tilted his head and pushed me into the wall. I waited for him to tell me how he is not jealous of Harry and I being friends. He then kissed me. Stunned at first, I just stood there. After I let it set in I kissed him back. He pulled away and winked,” I told you I’m not jealous.” He walked away. I stood there a little stunned still. But when I realized that it was late I ran to the girl’s dormitory.