Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Thirteen: Department of Mysteries

I turned from Hermione to Harry,” How do you know for sure Sirius is in trouble?”
Ron replied, “Harry said he had a vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius.”
Harry stated in an alarmed voice,” We need to get a hold of the order. I realize this vision could be false but we may never know!”
Hermione asked harry,” How are we supposed to do that? Owls won’t get there in time, and all the fireplaces are being tracked.”
I thought for a second and smiled,” Umbridge’s fireplace isn’t.”
Hermione grabbed her Dumbledore’s army coin out and set it to alert Ginny, Luna, and Neville.

All in about 5 minutes everyone met up in the hallway next to Umbridge’s office. Since breakfast was still being served, all the teachers including Umbridge were also eating in The Great Hall as with the students. Harry took charge,” We need to get this done as quickly as possible. Luna, Ginny, and Neville, you keep a look out of anyone who is on their way to this office.”
Neville saluted,” Okay we will keep an eye out for anyone.”
With that the three left Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I at the office door.
I pointed my wand at the lock and whispered,” Alohomora!”
When the door squealed open we were met with meowing kittens in the pictures on the wall. Harry scurried to the fireplace trying to get a hold of the Grimmauld place.
I whispered,” Shhh, be quiet for a second.”
Next thing we knew the door slammed open. In walked Umbridge, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. In each of the boys arms were the three people we instructed to keep watch. Umbridge sniffed,” What do you four think you’re doing!? Trying to reach Dumbledore I suspect?”
Umbridge grabbed the front of Harry’s shirt and threw him into a chair. A minute later Snape arrived. Umbridge demanded,” Snape, I need the Veritaserum.”
Snape shook his head,” I’m afraid you used the last of it on Cho Chang.”
Enraged; Umbridge pulled out her wand and grunted,” Fine. I’ll just have to use the Cruciatus Curse.”
Just as Crucio was at the tip of Umbridge’s tongue, Hermione screamed,” NO! Harry, just tell her about Dumbledore’s secret weapon!” Umbridge abruptly looked at Hermione.
Harry and Hermione took Umbridge to the Forbidden Forest to show her “Dumbledore’s secret weapon.” Luna, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and I were left with Draco and his posse. Ginny handed Goyle and Crabbe puking pastels saying they were just candy. Right as Goyle and Crabbe started puking everyone ran from the office except Draco and me. I took a step towards the door and Draco pulled out his wand.
I ignored his gesture and kept walking. I wasn’t afraid of him and his wand. He should be afraid of mine. Bellatrix teaching him a few things was nothing compared to who I shared blood with.
Draco followed me. Draco shouted,” Would you just hold on a second?”
I turned around,” What? What do you want?”
Draco stuttered,” You’re a death eater?”
I laughed,” No I’m not. I’m not planning to be one either. Have fun destroying your life, now that your one.” I nodded a goodbye and walked away. He grabbed my arm.
Draco said,” I don’t want to live without you.”
I rolled my eyes,” You’re doing perfectly fine without me. You chose your side and I chose mine. Maybe one day you’ll see.”
He let me walk away that time.

I finally found Harry and Hermione who were joined by Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville.
Harry stated,” we really have no other choice than to go to the ministry and find Sirius. But how do we get there?”
Luna smiled softly and replied,” We could ride Thestrals!” Only Luna, Neville, Harry, and I could see them considering we’ve seen death and the other three haven’t.

The ministry was oddly quiet and abandoned. We quickly went to the department of mysteries. We arrived in a dark room only lighted by small light blue glass orbs which were prophecies.
Harry explained as he pointed,” He should be down here. Let’s go!”
We all ran after Harry looking through every aisle as if we were in a maze. When Harry finally stopped, we looked around confused. Harry turned to his left and saw the prophecy he saw in his vision that had a piece of paper stringed from it. Hermione grabbed the paper and stated,” It just has a bunch of initials on it.”
Harry said in distress,” He should be right here.”