Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Two: Altercations

I woke up early and got ready. Usually everyone woke up an hour before the first class but I couldn’t sleep. The dreams were unbearable. I haven’t mastered Occlumency yet, so that was why I had crazy dreams about what my father was doing to people. A lot of people didn’t believe he was back, but he sure was.
The bloody baron ghost floated into the common room. Cheerfully; I said,” Hello Bloody Baron.” He stood close to the fire,” Ms. Riddle, what are you doing up so early?” I replied,” Couldn’t sleep…” He nodded and left me in peace. Then the girl’s dormitory door opened. I glanced over the book I was reading to see Daphne Greengrass. She smiled at me. I smiled back politely.
Daphne and I were soon joined by the Carrow twins Hestia and Flora. They were the twins that acted like they were too good for anyone. Flora demanded,” Locklyn get me that quill on the table!”
I continued to read my book and answered,” I don’t take orders from you…”
She asked,” So are you going to get it or what?”
With a flick of my wand I made the quill spit ink at her. I whispered,” Wingardium Leviosa.” The quill flew up into the air until I flicked my wand and made it fly to the other side of the room. She made a sound and stomped over to the bathrooms to wash the ink of her face.

I laughed when she left. Draco came out and sat next to me and asked,” What are we laughing at?”
Daphne answered,” Locklyn just made a quill spit ink all over Flora’s face.”
I chuckled again and was soon joined by Draco’s laugh.
Draco, Crabb, Goyle, Pansy, and I walked to potions. The whole class became quiet once Professor Snape walked in. He told us a little bit about O.W.L.S testing and if you didn’t get an Acceptable, you wouldn’t be able to take Potions next year. Our assignment was to make a potion called the Draught of Peace. In the last ten minutes Snape said,” Now a light silver vapor should be arising.” I looked at my potion. I was satisfied; it had the vapor rising out of it. We then all heard Snape and Harry talking. Snape rudely said,” Potter, what is this? Can you read or not?”
I heard Draco snicker in the row behind me. I kept watching the altercation. I then saw Snape nod to someone I looked behind me to see Draco leaving. I wondered where he was going. When class was over I walked out of the class with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
Harry groaned,” God, what is it with Snape always finding a reason to yell at me!”
Hermione replied,” Yeah, that wasn’t fair. Your potion wasn’t as bad as Goyle’s, as least you didn’t catch your robes on fire like he did.”
Harry nodded,” Since when has Snape ever been fair to me?”
Hermione shrugged and became quiet. Ron snapped,” I wonder where Malfoy went?”
Harry said,” Probably planning how he can become a death eater.” Ron and Harry laughed.
Hermione didn’t laugh, knowing that I was next to them. Hermione did not like Draco but at least she could keep her rude remarks to herself when I was hanging out with them.
What Harry said got my brain thinking. I fast walked in front of them. Harry forgot that I was walking next to them when he said that. When he saw me run out of the corridor he whispered,” Oops…”

When I arrived at Defense against the Dark Arts class Draco still hadn’t shown up. So I sat next to an empty seat. Umbridge started the conversation about how Voldemort was not back. Harry was yelling at her saying he was back. I said softly,” He is back.”
She glared at me and said,” Harry Potter detention in my office!” She finally looked away.