Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Twenty: Working Together in Ending He Who Must Not Be Named

I stopped walking to potions and Draco had stopped to. He softly kissed me and, not wanting to, he let go of my hand.
I got to Dumbledore’s office and I finally realized that there was something wrong with his right hand. It has looked as the skin was decaying. I gasped,” Professor what happened to your hand?”
He replied,” Well I think this ring that I am wearing may be a horcrux. I haven’t told Harry about my beliefs just yet. Horace Slughorn has a memory that I need where he is telling young Riddle about horcruxes. Horace has tampered with the memory I have, to make he seem like he had nothing to do with it. Horace has a problem with fame though. He will try to collect you and harry. Let him.”
I nodded and said,” Well I got to back to potions class then sir. Good day.”
I ran to potions so I could make a good impression. I walked into potions late and everyone looked at the dungeon door. I apologized,” Sir, I am very sorry I was late. The headmaster needed to talk to me about how I got all O’s on my O.W.L’s examines.” I smiled an encouraging smile.
Professor Slughorn smiled,” Oh no problem what so ever Ms. Riddle. Please take a seat. We have an open one next to Mr. Potter.”
I did notice how after he said my name he went into deep thought. I knew with that, that he had recognized who else had my last name. I smirked as I stood next to my cauldron which was next to Harry. I whispered to him,” Dumbledore’s going to want to see you, Looks like you and I are going to be working together.”
Harry raised an eyebrow,” So there was no talk about O.W.L’s? “
I shook my head and looked at the directions on how to make Draught of the living death. Since I lived with Snape for years, He taught me how to be very good with potions. I knew all the little tiny tricks that a lot of others didn’t.
When it said to cut the bean, I knew to crush the bean instead. I looked at Harry and he was doing the same. Except he wasn’t watching me, he hadn’t even barely looked away from the potions book. I looked at him, lost in thought, but shook it off and continued to work.
A few days later Harry found me in the library. Harry asked,” hey Locklyn, I have some things to tell you about Dumbledore and I’s meetings. So we are going to Hosmeade and wondered if you will meet us there later?”
I nodded,” Yeah sure. I’ll be there.”

I was walking through the castle when I saw Draco fast walking very suspiciously. I looked around me and slowly and stealthily followed Draco. I was unsure of where he was going and I kind of wanted to know. At the end of the hall I saw Draco enter a door that was never there before and a second after he entered the door started to vanish. The room of requirement, I thought. When I saw Crabbe and Goyle come from opposite hallways to Guard where the door used to be. I raised an eyebrow and strutted towards Crabbe and Goyle.
I questioned,” Guarding something?”
Goyle snapped,” ‘Course not!”
I nodded and replied sarcastically,” Yeah, ‘cause you standing next to a blank wall and your very aware eyes don’t give anything away…”
Crabbe growled,” Shove off Traitor! If we are guarding something, what makes you think we would tell you?”
I laughed,” well now, its obvious you’re guarding something! Fess up!”
Goyle and Crabbe took out their wands. I swiftly took mine out as well and said,” You both know I can disarm you in seconds. Shall we try anyways?”
Goyle looked at Crabbe and shrugged and put his wand back. Crabbe still had his wand pointed at me. He began,” Cru…”
I flicked my wand and shouted,” Serpensortia!” A snake flew out of my wand and looked back at me. Crabbe looked at me like I was dumb. In Parseltongue I stated darkly,” Attack.” It was when my snake got closer to Crabbe that he begged,” Okay! Make it stop!! Malfoy Help!”
I smiled evilly and called the snake off, but added,” Remember next time, before you want to challenge me, remember what I can do.” Knowing that Crabbe’s scream for Draco might have alarmed Draco, I ran away from the scene. I then headed to Hogsmeade.
I met Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Three Broomsticks pub. Considering how much snow there was; it was a quite unpleasant trip.