Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Thirty One: A Harry Potter Imposter

Harry looked out the front window and I saw his solemn attitude brighten a little. He kind of depended on me now that his aunt and Uncle didn’t bother him when I was around. I was betting he used my status against them and I could imagine his uncle gasping and saying,” You mean the guy who is out to kill us because of you; his daughter is staying under our roof???”

Yeah, great way to spring that a girl is staying here for a while on your aunt and uncle. Tell them I have my dark connections and they’ll leave us alone. Harry doesn’t get the weird looks from his family anymore. They purposely try to act like they care about him when I’m around, like I’m some sort of spy or something. But unlike Harry, I get the ‘don’t kill me please’ looks.

I suddenly saw Harry vanish from the window quickly and Dudley’s pudgy face take his spot. I looked at the young Dursley and quickly looked down. Maybe if you make no eye contact he won’t flirt with you tonight…

Harry opened the door for me and Dudley once again pushed him out of the way to hold the door open. He cleared his throat,” For you my lady.”

I scowled,” Don’t ever call me that again or I will spread to everyone in your neighborhood that you still haven’t gotten that pigs tail removed.”

He began to mutter,” I kind of like…”

I shook my head,” I wouldn’t mutter that if I were you. The death eaters can hear you.”
His eyes widened as he slammed the door and closed the curtains, looking for a place to hide.
Harry tried to keep himself from laughing at my smart ass remarks.

When we got upstairs I recalled,” Charity Burbage is dead. I was spying on the Malfoy Manor and my evil father had Nagini…”

I couldn’t continue. It was crazy how much I was unlike my father. I couldn’t stand to kill or even see a killing. I could probably stomach it but I chose not to.

He rubbed his nose,” What you did, I hope you know was extremely dangerous but I understand your thinking. That’s horrible that’s she’s dead, just because she was the muggle studies teacher.”
I nodded in agreement.

I sat cross-legged on the floor and happened to look at the ring on my left hand. It sent me in deep thought. The moment Voldemort found out Draco had some sort of relationship with me. He’d for sure try and use me as a trigger object or something. This was the exact darkness that would keep us distant. I had a feeling seeing he on the roof will be one of the last times I see him. Who knows if this war will actually end?
I caught Harry’s off and on stare in between our silence.

Mad Eye Moody and the Weasley children including Hermione and Fleur stormed into the Dursleys home after wizards had been sent to take the Dursleys to safety.
Safety, yeah right. There are no more safe places.

I had tuned everything out until I heard Harry protest,” No you are all not dressing up as me! I don’t want you to give your lives!”

Mad eye motioned for me, Fred, and George to close in on Harry as he said,” We can do this the easy way or no?”
Mad Eye nodded and I sprang at Harry grabbing a hand full of hair. He winced and looked irritated at everyone in the room.

We all took a swig of Poly juice potion and we felt our skin begin to bubble and change. When everyone piled outside to get the transportation taken care of I turned to Harry and said,” Don’t Use Expelliarmus. They’ll only know that it’s you.”

We figured that Harry would be expected to be on a broom so they put him with Hagrid in the motorcycle.

I was on a broom with Lupin and no longer than a minute when we got up into the air we were ambushed. Concerned; Lupin asked,” How did they know!?”

I Gulped and yelled,” Expelliarmus!!”

My Expelliarmus was almost as powerful as Harry’s so I’m sure they would mistake me for him.
A death eater shouted,” Get the Dark lord! I think its Potter!”