Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Thirty Four: Not Present

We watched helplessly as the death eater’s ransacked the burrow in search for Potter. Yaxley came back to where Bellatrix was holding us captive and said,” None of his stuff is here Ma’am.”

She screamed in anger which caused Molly to flinch. Bellatrix took one long angry gaze at me and all the death eaters apparated. Thank god no was tortured though. We all thought we were goners when we saw Bellatrix leading the hunting party.

Molly and Arthur took Ginny and me to platform 9 &3/4. They went off to talk to Neville’s grandmother so it was just Ginny and I. I looked around and found myself getting the feeling of being watched. Ginny noticed my hesitation before getting on the train.

She asked,” What is it?”

I shook my head,” Nothing, just a feeling.”

Draco’s POV:

I wasn’t supposed to be here. I should have stayed at the manor to keep from getting in trouble from my dad. But I had to see Locklyn, Even if that entailed no actually talking to her but seeing her from afar.

When I had heard about Bellatrix crashing the Filthy Weasley wedding I had a bad feeling. I knew she was supposed to be there so I just wanted to make sure she was still alive or even showing up for this school year.

I saw Blaise, Crabb, Goyle, and Pansy all walk by first. I was telling myself I was here for Locklyn but really the dark lord had me looking for Potter. I had yet to see him.

Finally I caught glimpse of Locklyn. She was with the ginger haired younger sister of that oaf Ron. I hated that she was best friends with her but I figured I could probably stand her more than Pansy. I saw Locklyn look around a couple times and I figured she was looking for me. No one knew I wasn’t going to show up this year. Maybe I would show up later in the year but not right now.

If the red haired sister was here, where was her brother? I walked around a bit more to try and see if I could spot the ‘trio’ but there was no sign of them. Maybe they got here before I did?

Locklyn’s POV:

I left Ginny so she could sit with Neville. I could hear my boots pounded on the train floor as I made my way to the cabin with Blaise in it. When Blaise saw me he smiled. I opened the cabin door and slung myself on the seat across from him.

Blaise asked,” Do you know where Draco is?”

I stated,” No, I’m sure he’ll be on the train soon.”

Blaise looked out the window and replied,” Well hopefully he is just in another cabin because we are moving now…”

I noticed the jerk of leaving the station. Blaise added,” Has he seemed distant to you?”
I shrugged,” Maybe he’s just stressed.”

Blaise nodded. I didn’t know how much Blaise knew or not so I wasn’t going to just blurt out that Voldemort is staying at his house. But it worried me, what if he wasn’t coming to school? I don’t understand why he wouldn’t come to school though.

I noticed certain people were missing from school. Most of the ones that were missing were Mud bloods or kids whose parents were in hiding.

When we all arrived at Hogwarts, I quickly checked the cabin and wondered why the head boy wasn’t here checking with me. I shrugged the thought off and headed to get dressed into my Slytherin uniform and run to the Great hall.

I walked into the doors of the Great Hall when I felt my hood of my robe get violently tugged on. I turned around and saw Amycus Carrow glaring at me,” Why were you late!?”

I replied,” I’m head girl. I had to check and see if everyone was off the train.”

He raised his voice,” That’s NO excuse.”
He began to lift his hand with his wand at the ready to jinx me. I put my hand on my wand. There was no way I was taking any shit for doing my duties.

Then a deep bored voice stated,” Amycus, Get out of the Great Hall. And Let go of Ms. Riddle’s hood.”

I looked to my right and saw Snape. I took a deep breath and knew that I had not completely lost him to Voldemort.

I let a small smile out to Snape and he proclaimed,” After you show the first years to the dungeon I would like for you to meet me in my office. I will show you personally to the prefect common rooms.”

I nodded and scurried off to the Slytherin table as the 1st years were being sorted. After the normal dinner was over I called out to the Slytherin table,” Everyone who is not a first year, please stay seated while I show them how to get to the common room. When we exit the Great Hall you can head to the dormitories. Thank you. Follow me first years!”

We walked without interruption down to the dungeons and I showed them the door to the common room and raised my voice a little so everyone could hear me say,” I’m only going to give one reminder to each of you if you forget the password. The password to get in the common room is Snuffalarcus. All of you need to get your rest for your first day of classes. Have a good night.”

I watched all of them enter the through the door and I then walked to the headmasters office. The sound of my high heels repeatively hitting the floor was suddenly reminding me how lonely I was. Usually I had Harry or Draco or Hermione to talk to but now I had no one. I mean Blaise is there but I’m not as close to him as Draco is. Ginny is in her 6th year so she isn’t in any of my classes.

I spotted the Carrow twins messing with a second year Gryffindor on the way to Snapes. I crossed my arms and walked over to them and said to the second year,” There you are! Did you give McGonagall my message for me?”

The Carrow’s looked up at me as well as the second year boy. He stuttered,” Yes I did ma’am. She said she wants to have tea with you tomorrow night.”

When the Carrow looked at each other and loosened their grip on the poor boy I gave him a quick nod and he ran off. Alecto yelled,” N…!”

I smiled,” I’m very sorry for that misunderstanding. I was just busy with the first years and having to go see the headmaster that I hadn’t had time to tell my favorite teacher that I couldn’t wait to see her.”

I could hear them both growling as I continued walking to Snapes office. When I got close enough, he was waiting outside for me. He motioned for me to follow him and we arrived at a painting of a red haired women standing by the sea and Snape said,” her favorite story is about how the Granian horses came about so the password is Granian.”

The portrait swung open and before I walked in I questioned,” Who is the head boy professor?”

He swallowed,” Mr. Malfoy but he is not present.”