Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Thirty Five: Bad

Well that was for sure disappointing. So I was going to be alone in the Slytherin prefect dormitories. Hermione and Ron would have been the Gryffindor prefects if they were actually coming to school, but they weren’t. I didn’t know the other prefects from Raven claw or Hufflepuff.

I looked around at the two bedded room and then looked back at Snape. Snape stated darkly,” Watch out this year Locklyn. Things could go horribly bad.”

I crossed my arms,” What do you mean Snape? What’s going to happen?”

Usually, if we were at his house he would be straight forward and tell me what’s coming. He shook his head,” I can’t tell you here Locklyn. Forget I said anything, just be careful.”
He turned abruptly away from me and I felt the wind from his robes as he left the dormitory.

Months went by after that and it was now Christmas break. But I was staying at Hogwarts for the break instead of going to the burrow. But of course I wasn’t alone, Pansy, Goyle, and Crabb stayed for the break to. Ginny left to go back and see her parents.

I was pretty much left alone since I spent most of my time either in the great hall, library, and the prefect dorms. I was walking through the halls when I heard the Carrow’s messing with Neville Longbottom. It had gotten to the point that I was sticking up for the Gryffindors more and more so that wasn’t giving me such a good reputation.

Neville was getting the brunt of every beating. He had black eyes and bruises all the time because he would stand up the death eaters. I stood up to but I never came them the chance to hurt me or Snape always saved my arse.

I saw Neville get elbowed in the face and I could feel my anger boiling over. I was sick of these bastard twins beating up on everyone. I took out my wand and quickly walked over to the three of them. I shouted,” Leave him alone!”

Alecto looked straight at me since my wand was pointing straight at her chest. She giggled evilly. I looked in the corner of my eye to see Neville sprinting at Amycus. I hadn’t realized Amycus was about to shoot a hex at me and If it wasn’t for Neville I would have been completely caught off guard.

Neville had Amycus occupied but Alecto used her wand to do a whipping hex three times on my shoulder. She was a talented witch for sure. Every spell I shot at her she blocked. At one point I left three scars on her cheek from clawing at her.

She finally got tired of dealing with me so she screamed,” CRUCIO!”

I fell to my knees screaming. Neville pushed Alecto so she could stop concentrating on the curse. Before she could turn her wand on him Neville moved over to my side to help me up.
Amycus sneered,” isn’t this cute?”

Alecto laughed alongside her brother. Amycus asked me in a baby voice,” Snape isn’t here to help you now, huh little bitch?!”

Neville held onto the side of my arms so I didn’t get myself in more trouble. Neville wrapped his bruised arm around my unwhipped arm and directed me towards the prefect common room entrance. He apologized,” You didn’t have to help me Locklyn. I’m sorry you got hurt. But I do have to go and write Ginny. She wanted me to keep in touch with her.”
I nodded,” It’s my job Neville. It’s alright; I was just tired of seeing them beat up on you…”

He smiled a tiny bit and then ran off hoping to not bump into the Carrow’s again.
In the prefect bathrooms, I pulled the dark gray sweater down off my left shoulder exposing the three deep lashes. I winced as I rubbed some alcohol on the cuts so they wouldn’t get infected. I gasped as it began to sting badly and the alcohol would disappear before it even touched the lashes. Of course, only dark magic would prevent itself from being taken care of.

I put my hand on the sink and closed my eyes hoping to prevent tears from falling. I shouldn’t have let Harry and them talking me into staying.
My eyes opened as I heard footsteps entering the bathroom. I asked out loud,” Who’s in here? Myrtle it better not be you!”

I twirled so now my back was facing the mirror. I held my wand out in front of me just in case. What I saw put me in disbelief.
I asked,” What... What are you doing here?”

Draco’s blanks stare was not on my face but on my shoulder from the reflection of the mirror. He fast walked over to me, inspecting my wound. He muttered something and my shoulder began to tingle.

I looked to my left shoulder and saw that the cuts were closing themselves. I questioned,” How did you do that?”

He shrugged,” I was taught stuff by a dark wizard and I know how to get rid of certain dark magic like that.”

The once cuts were just light pink scars. The scar on my heart had now just healed as well. Draco was really here. He wasn’t just a figment of my imagine.

He was surprised by my death grip of a hug. I felt him relax as he laid his head on top of mine. He stated,” I’m sorry I didn’t come the first part of the year and you were bothered by the damn Carrow’s.”

I shook my head,” You’re here now that’s all that matters.”

Draco grabbed my hands and said,” I just had a feeling things were going to get really bad so I wanted to be with you if they did.”

This was the second person who had mentioned something about bad stuff happening. The aura at Hogwarts really gave proof to that feeling. The next few weeks began to get worse.
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Locklyn's engagement ring from Draco