Status: Finished! Check out the sequel!!

The Darkness Within

Thirty Nine: We Must Leave

I entered the grounds of Hogwarts fighting off Death eaters as I exited the castle. I needed to find Snape. He was on his way to the shrieking shack but I caught him before he got there.

Snape proclaimed,” Locklyn I have to go, cant this wait till later?”

I shook my head,” No it can’t.”
He asked,” What is it then?”

I stuttered,” I-I-I killed someone. My anger just boiled over and uh it just happened.”
He looked into my eyes and questioned,” Well there must have been a reason?”
I stated,” Crabbe called Hermione a Mudblood…”

Snape didn’t answer. I then asked,” Do you miss Lily?”
He was not expecting that to come out of my mouth. But I saw the sadness in his eyes. He
ignored my question and said,” I have to go.”

Before he could walk away I wrapped my arms around him. He was shocked at first but then patted my back. I wasn’t sure if he knew how much I considered him my father.

I watched him disappear. I then saw harry, Hermione, and Ron run after him. I cocked my head and decided to wait for them.

I saw Percy running out of the castle following Rookwood. I looked from Percy to the whomping willow and back to Percy. The three of them were taking a bit longer than I expected. I ran after Rookwood with Percy shooting hexes at him as I ran.

I was shocked when Percy used the killing curse on Rookwood. But I understood why. Rookwood was the reason Fred was dead…

Percy turned on me and said,” Diffendo!”

I blocked it and said,” Percy, I was helping you!”
He made an ‘O’ with his mouth and stated,” I’m sorry.”
I nodded and shook his hand,” I’m sorry about Fred, Percy. I really am.”

Percy nodded thanks and ran off to join his family in mourning.

~Draco’s POV~

I can’t believe I was being such a coward. Ever since I was saved by Harry Potter I’ve been trying to hide from the fight. I didn’t want anything to do with this in the first place yet I was stuck dealing with it. I thought about fighting the death eaters but when a member of the order saw me, I bet they would fight with me.

I had no idea where my parents or Locklyn was. I guess telling her to stay in the common room hadn’t worked. When I saw her in the room of requirement, she had shocked me. She killed Crabbe…

Sure he was a dumbass and let the power get to his head but he was my friend. After she had done it I watched as shock filled her facial expressions. I found myself wondering if she meant to kill him or if it was just a reflex. But I forgave her the minute Crabbe fell. Locklyn was really my only real friend besides Blaise.

I stood up from the black couch in the common room and headed out to find Locklyn. I ran down the halls and I saw Blaise fighting Yaxley. I shot a couple of hexes that I had learned from Bellatrix, at Yaxley. I asked,” Have you seen Locklyn?”

While dueling, Blaise shook his head,” No, last time I saw her, she was heading towards the grounds.”

I began running to the front doors but I stopped when I heard a chilling voice echo throughout the grounds and castle,” I demand all my death eaters to stand down. Everyone else I would like you all to come out of the castle to see what I have.”

I watched as people started filing for the doors. I then joined the group and saw Voldemort himself standing next to Hagrid. What surprised me was what was in Hagrid’s arms. Harry potter was dead?

I watched as the Weasley girl screamed at the sight of her boyfriend’s body. I spotted Locklyn as she wrapped her arms around the hysterical Ginny Weasley. She wiped her face and I knew she was crying. I took one step towards her and I felt my collar get grabbed. I fell back into my mother’s arms.

My father demanded,” We need to leave, NOW.”

I looked from them to Locklyn,” But Locklyn…”

My mother hushed me,” Now dear, come on. We must leave. This is are only chance.”

My mother let go of me and I took a step away from them. My father grabbed my arm and pulled me with them. I looked at the crowd of people now blocking me from see Locklyn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so there is one more chapter left. As you can see i made a sequel for it so i want all seven suscribers to suscribe to the sequel to! So stay tuned for chapter forty. Tell your friends about this story and the sequel! (: and don't be silent readers! Dont worry i wont bite if you leave a comment. I read every comment and appreciate them!