Status: Sequeal. Hiatus.

You Are so Beautiful


“Roxanne!” December shouted, causing people to stop and stare.

The girl in the white short shorts, and floral design pink tank top, turned around. Her raven black hair stretched passed her breast. Her skin was bronzed and, and she narrowed her eyes at December as he approached the couple. The man next to her was slightly taller then her, he was holding her hand, and had blond streaks running through his dark brown hair. His skin tone matched his girlfriends and wore black shorts that fit him loosely around his hips, showing his grey boxers, and a blue tee with some beach name written across it.

“Hey, Mac?” Chartreuse asked. I turned my attention to him, “Who is she?”

“Hell if I knew. Ex-girlfriend maybe, why else would December be marching over there?” I question him back.

“What the fuck did he do to you!” December shouted, causing the girl apparently named Roxanne to crossed her arms over he chest.

“What are you doing here?! I thought you dropped out and ran away because I broke your stupid little heart.” she snarled, a smirk spreading over her lips.

Chartruese nodded, “Hey, your right. She is an ex-girl-friend. So now their fighting about why they broke up?”

“It seems like it. Must have been a bad break up then if DC decided to destroy the house, drop out, and run away to Michigan.” I said, “Hell, I ran away from my problems too.”

“No, Mac. You had too, otherwise he would of found you in no time. Its safe here for you. I decided to be twin less. No one even mistakes me for Emerald anymore. See a double plus.” Chartreuse grinned, “Be glad that we finished school.”

“You told me you were kicked out?” I said.

He grinned, “What can I--- oh shit!” he pointed over at December.

“Leave me the fuck alone December! Were over! You’re a whiny ass baby! When we were together, you made me want to pull out my own hair!” she yelled, the whole mall stopping to stare now.

December stomped his food into the ground, “At least I know who the fuck I am, and not letting some cheese-brain telling me how to dress and act! You fucking use to nice! You were yourself! Now you look like every other girl in southern Cali!”

“December, this is who the fuck I am! If you don’t like it, then you don’t have to be around me! How ‘bout you go back to your stupid friends over there and get lost!” she pointed over to our direction.

Chartruese dragged me over to them, I protested, but he wasn’t going to be letting me go anytime soon. He let go of wrist when we stood next to DC, and Chartreuse smirked, “I am lost already, I’m in a new state girly. Lovely city if I do say so myself, but I am not stupid, high, but not stupid.”

I grabbed Decembers arm, “Ryan texted me.” he whispered, hoping that would get him away from the couple. DC narrowed his eyes at his ex and stormed off. Chartreuse and I followed the angered man closely behind.

“He texted you?” he began.

I shook my head, “No… I’m sorry, but I had to lie. You seemed ready to punch the bitch out.”

December sighed, “I probably would of too. How is… being away from him?”

I sighed, “Well… please understand that I still have feelings for him.”

“That’s probably because you guys were together for a while.” he explained.

I nodded, “Yeah… we were… thanks for letting me come stay with you. I thought I would have to find a job someplace and live in some dump.”

“No problem, Mac. You didn’t deserve that torture that he put you through and Mark wouldn’t want to see you get hurt again. Surprised that you kept it a secret for a long time too.” he ranted, noticing that Chatruese had run ahead of us to look at the cars that you could win at the mall.

I shrugged, “It was so easy because my friends were always on drugs, they were either high or stoned. It made everything so much easier to hide.”

December grinned, before frowning, “Chartreuse! Stop that!”

I looked over my twin less friend and noticed that he rubbing his back against the red Cobra R. I giggled, chartreuse is the in in insane without Emerald.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update. Well here it is, hope you love it.

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