Status: Sequeal. Hiatus.

You Are so Beautiful


I just stared blankly at the food in front of me. I couldn't fucking believe this. Couldn't fucking believe her! What the hell happened? She was so heartless and blunt and... she wasn't Roxanne. I bit my lip harshly and put my head in my hands. What happened the Roxanne I knew?

"Yeah and then she fucking started break dancing and pushed me of a building!" Dylan said, adding some beat box sound affects then pretending to push someone harshly. I laughed, shaking my head at the idiot. Roxanne sat in a chair across from me, grinning and shaking her hand at our friends antics. She grabbed me had, rubbing the top of it with her them and I internally sighed, loving the feeling. I continued listening to our friends conversation, only pretending I was paying attentions when really Roxanne had my full attention. She stopped running my hand and placed her other hand over mine. I glanced at her and placed my other hand over hers. Roxanne averted her attention down to her shoes, using them to push her messenger bag away from an electrical cord running between us. I leaned forward towards her and looked over at my friends ago.

She looked up at me, staring curiously and I turned my head in her direction. God she looked so beautiful. she was dressed in her black converse, blue skinny jeans and an Asking Alexandria T-shirt with a yellow beanie. She leaned forward and I met her halfway, attaching my lips to hers.

She use to be so fucking kind and caring, she never dressed so fake. It disgusted me!

"Bull shit!" I yelled, standing up abruptly and causing everyone in the food court to stare at me. I ignored their stares. Chartreuse let out a burp and Mack quickly stood up and gently touched my elbow. "Um, D.C. just sit down okay, calm down." He said quietly and I followed his orders and sat back in my seat, returning to glaring at the McDonald chicken McNuggets in front of me.

"So what's bull shit?" Chartreuse asked, sipping at his drink. "Roxanne." I huffed. "How so?" He asked, leaning forward. "Because she use to be so fucking... different! God her eyes were so full a life and her smile was just breathtaking..." I said and shook my head. "Now she's dressing like a two scent whore and hanging with a tool. Bull shit." I said bluntly.

"Guys, look let's go home." I told them and stood up again. The two of them reluctantly got up and followed me out of the mall and to the car.

♠ ♠ ♠
We were stumped. D:

It's decent though right?

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