Status: hiatus

If I Fall In Love, Will You Catch Me?


I was sitting at Jenna's house describing the events that had just taken place. She stood there incomplete awe, because my sister never had like Jenna either. Although, Jenna always stood up for m, while I sat there in the back round cowering like a little baby.

"So you finally shut her up? I'm so proud of you Shana Bear! But you better make sure she doesn't find out about you know who..." she said warning me.

"Oh I know. She already knows hat I have a date, but she has no clue who, thank god!"

"Uh-oh, make sure you keep it on the down-low then, because you know she will sneak around anywhere she can,"

"God I know, I fucking hate my sister! Oh, and you wanna hear the best part?"

"...that depends"

"She has a backstage pass to the concert. And she's going to be where you are, and I am, and all the other important people are," I said wanting to basically kill myself. Actually, no. I want to kill my sister.

"Oh great. Now we have to deal with Taylor on what's supposed to be the best day of our lives!" she complained.

"That's exactly what I said"

"Ha ha, WOW." she said with a very exaggerated tone.

"Ugh, what did we ever do to her that she's like this." I said covering my face with my hands and sitting on her couch.

"Uh, we're better than her. Why do you think she always wants your boyfriends? She's trying to compete with you. She wants what you have,"

"Oh, I never thought about it that way, how do you know all that?"

"My mom and my aunt do it all the time,"

"Oh, really? But your aunt seems so nice,"

"No my mom was the one that did it. Ha ha," she said laughing.

"Oh, well now I can understand that being your mom," I said laughing hysterically.

Then I heard a very loud beep. Then a few seconds, and another one. Where was it coming from?

"Jenna! You hear that?" I said looking around. I got up and walked into the kitchen where her main door is. The beeping got louder and louder as I neared the table. On the table there were many freshly folded clothes. Jenna always did all her laundry at the last minute. I looked through them and saw her purse. Immediately I was shoved out of the way by Jenna. I hit her counter as she picked up her purse and whipped out her phone. She opened it and her eyes got very wide.

"Oh shit! Sorry Shana, I gots go I'm late!" she said hugging me and running out her front door.

"Wait! What-" I said but she cut me off.

"Yeah, fine whatever, stay here but you have to go around five because I have something going on," she said closing the door.

Oh well. That's not what I wanted, but I guess I will anyways. I took out my phone and texted Zacky. He was sitting in his dressing room being bored and fooling around with the guys. Then he invited me to come over. I said yes, obviously. I couldn't tell, but he seemed ecstatic.

I locked Jenna's door and hopped in my car. It was a nice and sunny day in Huntington, it's been that way for a long time. Sure, it rained, and it was normally a pretty gloomy day when it did. I put on my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the blinding sun.

As I turned the corner into the giant parking lot of the concert hall, there was still all the people there standing with all of their A7X stuff. I just rolled my eyes and continued around to the back.

I got out of my car and walked into the building. It was much louder this time than I had remembered. There was a lot of loud music, and yelling, and people were running around everywhere. I was trying to dodge people everywhere I could answer I was almost hit by a forklift. But I just kept on going to Zack's dressing room. I knocked on the door, and it was immediately swung open.

"Come on in," said a voice.

I stepped over the thresh hold, and was greeted by Zacky.

"Hi," I said nervously, "I think you guys remember me from earlier. Ya know, the cry-baby?"

"Well, generally when a girls runs away crying, it's usually our fault. So we though we did something wrong. I'm Brian by the way, and this is Matt, Johnny, and Jimmy."

"Nice to meet you, I would be Shana. And I can understand it if you call me cry-baby from now on..." I said laughing.

"I just might have o take you up on that offer," said Matt pointing.

"Oh no, don't do that," said a blonde girl sitting next to him. Her hair was short, and she was very pretty. She had on a pink striped T-shirt with a black skull on the back.

"Oh, I'm Valerie. I'm Matt's girlfriend. But you can call me Val if you want," she said smiling at me widely.

"Thanks, and I don't care if they call me that. It's not the first time," I said laughing.

"So how's your head, Shana?" asked Jimmy, "By the looks of this place you'd think that you were in a fight. Which I don't recommend..." he added looking somewhat guilty.

"Well, I do have a little headache, but other than that I'm pretty much fine." I said smiling but not too much so I don't look like a retard. I was sitting on one of the couches and the radio was blasting next to me so I could barely hear Zack when he asked me if I wanted anything to drink.

"Um, just a water I guess," I said loudly over the music.

"Alright," he said handing me a cold bottle of water.

I cracked the seal on my water and took a sip of it. Then I felt something bite my toes really hard.

"Ahh! Ow! Oh my god!" I screamed standing up.

"Hey! Ichabod Crane Vengeance you leave her feet alone!" yelled Zacky. I looked down to see a little black dog that was gnawing on my volcom flip-flops. Zack came over and picked him up.

"Sorry Shana, this is my doggy, Ichabod." he said putting the dog over by Jimmy. Jimmy's eyes followed the dog as if it were a pestering house fly.

"Does he always bite feet?" I asked stroking the dog lightly.

"Only if they are covered in canary yellow nail polish..." said Johnny snickering.

"Hey, I like my yellow nail polish!" I said defensively.

"Itsh okeh, I think ya tosh ah coo," said Zack with a huge lisp.

Everyone looked over at him, staring.

"What?" he said shrugging.

"You have your grillz in don't you." said Matt.

Zacky smiled widely to reveal his diamond studded gold teeth. Matt just rolled his eyes as Zacky laughed. Then there was a knock on the door. A man came in and whispered something into Brian's ear.

"Oh come on!" he yelled standing up and storming out the door.

Everyone followed him out the door and onto the stage.

He picked up his guitar and inspected it thoroughly.

"God dammit! Three freaking strings are broke now!" he said taking it and pulling three packets off of an amp close by.

Everyone rolled their eyes and walked back into Zacky's dressing room. I was sitting next to Zacky with my head on his shoulder, while Johnny and Jimmy had gone to get pizza. Valerie was laying down resting her head on Matt's lap.

"So you're a radio DJ?" she asked me sounding very interested.

"Yep, it's a really fun job. You get to meet all kinds of people." I said proudly.

"Whoa. What station?"

"87.4 Kroc."

"I'll listen to it sometime," she said smiling.

"Uh-oh, did you guys know it's almost eight o' clock?" I asked looking at my phone.

"Yeah, why do you have to be somewhere?" asked Zack.

"Sort of, I have an insomnia problem. If I go to bed at nine, hopefully I'll fall asleep by midnight." I said getting up and grabbing my keys.

"Wait," said Zack grabbing my hand.

"Yes?" I asked turning into him.

"Y-you wanna stay at my house tonight?" he asked.

"Sure, I'd love to," I said, "But I'd have to run home and get some things first,"

"Ugh, jeez. What the fuck. Do we have to?!" he said sarcastically. I playfully punched his arm as we walked out of the room.

"Oh yeah, Matt, Val, tell Jimmy and Johnny that I ditched them and moved to Mexico," he said.

Matt and Val were making out on the couch, and I don't think they herd him. He just shrugged as we got into his car. He has the sweetest black car I have ever seen in my life.

"Whoa, nice ride!" I said kneeling down and looking at my dark reflection in the custom rims.

"Yeah, I guess it is pretty awesome," he said opening the passenger side for me as I got in.

He then walked around to the driver's side and turned on the car. He revved the engine a few times, and then we sped off onto the free way.

"So where do you live again?" he asked.

"Right on Bell view Drive," I said.

"Oh, I know just where that is." he said turning on his left turning signal.

We drove in silence for a long time, while I mostly tried not to fall asleep from a long day. He saw my eyes drooping closed, so he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I smiled as he squeezed lightly and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. We then turned onto what I recognized as my street and then slowly drove down it until we came to my house and we pulled into the driveway.

"Home sweet home," I said getting out of the car and walking up to my front door.

Zack locked his car and then caught up to me as I twisted my key into the deadbolt. We stepped into my house and flipped on the light.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," I said running up the stairs. I turned into my room and grabbed a bag. I stuffed everything in that bag that was in my field of view. My make-up, clothes, cell phone charger, hair products, jewelry, and a ton of other stuff. Satisfied I skipped down the stairs and smiled as I grabbed Zack's hand. Just as I was about to turn off the light when I heard a gasp from behind us. I turned around and saw Taylor standing there with a blank stare on her face.

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath.

Caught in the act.

So much for keeping my relationship with Zack a secret...
♠ ♠ ♠
oh snap!
now she's in for it...

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