Thank You For The Venom

Here We Go Again

I’ve been 18 years-old for 35 years, so I’ve been alive for 53 years, and yet I always have to start all over. Ever since that day at Bridgeton Park my life has never been the same. I remember that day clearly. It was the day that changed my life forever. Literally.
I was walking down the park around 1:00 A.M. I was coming back from a Sex Pistols concert, when I realized that some jocks were following me.

People didn’t like me because I was different. I was the teenage boy who enjoyed a combination of punk rock and emo music. I also enjoyed reading comic books, horror books, and reading and writing poetry.

When I realized that the same jocks were still following me I grew frightened. I knew for a fact that they were going to beat me up or possibly do something worse. I tried getting rid of them by walking faster, but unfortunately they caught up with me.

“Hey Aiden what brings you here so late at night?” asked, without interest, the big, bulky, buff jock who’s name I believe is Jorge.

“I’m just taking a short cut home.” I replied trying to hide the fear in my voice, which I don’t think worked.

“Oh really. Where are you coming from?” asked Bobby, the other jock, my usual bully. I knew that every second I spent talking to them brought me a second closer for them to beating me up.

“I just came from a Sex Pistols concert.”

“Sex Pistols? I’ve never heard of them. Are they new?” Jorge asked taking a step closer towards me.

“They’re an underground band actually.” I answered once again trying to hide my fearful voice. This time they noticed that I was terrified.

“Aiden, why are you Scare?” Bobby asked trying to sound shocked.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t expect this to happen?” Jorge answered for me. I closed my eyes hoping I would feel the numbness in my body quick, so I can block out the pain. I heard Jorge bark a laugh right before I felt a pain on my side. I felt that pain over and over in different parts of my body until I went to a deep sleep from being unconscious.