Thank You For The Venom

The Undertakers Thirst For Revenge Is Unquenchable

Elias (P.O.V)

"Hey Frank I'm going to the music store I will be right back."

"What?! You can't go out right now by yourself. What if something happens?" Frankie stormed down stairs.

"Calm down. I'll be fine. Honestly what's the worst that can happen."

"Okay go, but hurry back."

"Okay dad." I walked out the door laughing.

I hope they have good CD's in this store. I was walking in, but I got a bad feeling. Oh my god Jimmy Eat world! Okay. I have to so buy these. I paid and walked out the store when someone grabbed me.

"Why the hell are you here?" said this guy who looked very familiar.

"Excuse me?" was my stupid response.

"You know what I'm talking about. Did you come here to reveal my family's secret or do you just want some fresh blood?" I was terrified. Did he know I was a vampire? If he knew, why would he treat one of his own kind like that? He let me go. I ran home. When I stormed inside Frankie came to stand by my side.

"What's wrong?" Frankie asked in a serious tone,

"I-I-I saw him."

"Who did you see?" Frankie asked kind of scared.

"Him! One of the other vampires. He asked me 'Why the hell are you here?' I didn't know what to answer him." I was scared shit less.

"Did he hurt you?"


"Are you going to be all right?"

"Yes." I lied. I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to be all right. Well at least anytime soon.

"I'm going to go to my room. Maybe I just need some rest."

"Okay." Frankie sounded worried, but he knew I would eventually get over it.

Upstairs I looked trough everything I had from before I was transformed. Then I found what I was looking for. On the picture it was me and that guy I ran into. Well at least I thought it was.

I stared at the picture for a long time. On the back of the picture it said," Elias this is for you, my one and only. I won't be able to ever see you again for reasons I'm not allowed to say. Just remember I will always love you. Forever and ever babe.

- Love Aiden." I began to cry remembering my one and only true love.
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I hope you like this chapter. I finally getting more time to update so I will try to update the next chapter as soon as I'm done with it.

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