Status: Bran spanking new!

Guard Wolf

13 Years After Darkness Came To Live In Horse Valley

The huge crow black she-wolf walked silently out of the cool green woods and stopped at the edge of Crystal Lake, she scanned the area and then lowered her great muzzle to the clear surface and lapped up the cool water with her large pink tongue. Out of the woods bursts a group of young kids and a harassed looking mother follows, all the kids flock to the wolf and leap on her she flops over and starts laughing, no one knows but Dark has never made them feel unsafe around them and every one loves her.
"oh bless you lady Dark i need a breather" the women slumps onto the ground sticking her aching feet into the cool water, it was the middle of the summer months and every one was melting. Dark smiled and layed on her side panting as the kids crawled over her and splashed in the water.
" not a problem my dear take your rest they shall be safe under my watch full eyes" The female said in a quiet voice as the women soaked her feet, after a while she gather the kids up and they wandered back towards town. Dark stood and shook her self getting ride of debris from the kids, she dove into the cool water and came out a few moment later to find a large group of young adults at the shore, they all said hi as dark waded out of the water and shook her self the girls screamed and ran laughing and the boys just laughed.
Dark looked around" were is Annie?" the little girl that had slept on her back the first night she came to town became her constant companion and today she turned 18 and Darkness wanted to keep a close eyes on her until she chose the right man to marry her Annie.
" she is down in the apple orchard with..............well with Riker" Janie whispered in Dark's ear.
Dark's ears layed back and she spun on her heels launching her self towards town, she raced through town people leaping out of her way as the horse sized wolf pushed her back legs harder speeding towards the end of the valley, she let out a hair raising howl as she careened into the well groomed orchard she spotted Anna under a tree with Riker, she let out a low growl and slowed to a walk as she approached the pair.
All of a sudden Anna screeched and leaped up i turn to see why she had ran from my attentions and i see Darkness. I drop my head my long blond hair falling forward to cover my dark blue eyes, I glance up to see Anna's arms wrapped around Dark's neck. Anna was very attached to Dark more than any of us were.
*** Dark***
She nudges Anna's chest with her muzzle
"Annie go back to town I need to have a word with Riker" Dark's blue eyes watch Anna as she walks back to town her eyes linger on Riker looking back over her shoulder her long black hair waving in the wind. Dark turns to Riker and walks closer standing eye to eye with him.
"Riker she is still young please do not make me keep her from you i know how you are with girls" the females husky voice pleads with the young man and her blue eyes stair into his.
He sighs and smiles laying his forehead against Dark's "Darkness i would never hurt her on purpose i promise and i really do love her Darky" he uses the childhood nickname for her that he had not used in years as much as he wanted to hate darkness he could not because she had saved his family from an abusive father and saved his father from drinking himself to death when he was 13, darkness had always been there for him when he needed her and he could not turn his back on her.
Dark kneeled and Riker swung his long leg over her back and smiled as she stood he was the tallest man in town but he was never to tall to ride Darkness.
The black wolf took off with the blond man clinging to her back racing through the orchard and into the wild woods surrounding the high sides of the valley, they raced up the steep sides and stood on a high bare cliff over looking the valley and surounding moutain ranges way down at the base of the valley mountain was a small camp fire with people and horses wandering around the clearing and as they watched the strangers out of the river walked a ginger colored wolf a little bigger than Darkness herself.
" darkness you see that to?" Riker asked as he looked up at her with confusion in his blue eyes and the same look was returned by the brighter blue eyes of Darkness herself.
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i like this story let me know if you do to!!!!