Status: Bran spanking new!

Guard Wolf


Her ears lay flat to her head as her lips peel back to reveal pearly white dagger sharp canines in a fierce snarl. The young man at her side checks the two pistols hanging from his hips and swings back up on her back. The enraged female wolf gallops down the steep mountain side with sure paws never stopping never wavering in her path, Bright ice blue eyes stay locked on the large ginger colored male as he turns and howls a warning to his human companions. She skids to a halt Beside the river and tells Riker to go confront them and she will be there in a moment. Riker leaps off her back and swaggers into the light from the two huge bonfires.
"What are you doing here you horse thieves!" Riker screams
The shocked humans turn to the red wolf and a tall black haired man with fierce green eyes. he smiles and it is anything but friendly.
"I am Sir Drake Von'Wolf and I am here by claim this land and all that surround it as property of The Von'Wolf Clan"
Riker smiles and rests his hands on his hips and turns looking into the deep dark night .
"Lets see what the dark has to say about you moving in on her territory"
They stare past him confused and then it was like the night came alive in the shape of a huge jet black wolf. The fire light makes her blue eyes sparkle but not with kindness only glittering rage.
They take a step back and look at there leader. He has a look of wonderment on his face, Drake loved exotic animals and the moment he saw Roanwolf when he was a pup at the edge of his fathers hunting woods he knew that no other person had a red wolf the size of a large draft horse and now he knew if he could have this black female giant wolf that he could have the first mating pair of giant wolves. What he did not think about was that Roanwolf had been a month old pup when he had found him 5 years ago. Darkness was a full grown wild giant wolf from the wilds of the undiscovered woods of north Alaska and she was over 10 years old. She had no intention of belonging to anyone.
"This is my land and you are not welcome, you have until dusk tomorrow night to be gone if you need supplies you may come into town at dawn but then after that leave this place and never return" She turns nodding to the young man beside her.
"Come Riker we must get back" they lope off into the dark night heading back up the mountain. They knew the strangers would not leave and there for they must warn the town that these strangers are not safe.