Shut Up


I'd like to tell you about me, but Mike said that I tend to talk too much when I'm asked and that fewer words lead to a better image of me, so...

I don't know. What should I say exactly?

I think you know my name since you came to me for an interview, right? And my age and stuff like that, but, just to be sure, I'm 175 centimeters tall, blue eyes, a charming smile and I've been shaving my head recently, so if any girls are interested, give me a call.

My hometown sucks. I've been born in the countryside, raised playing with dogs and my drums were trees and drumsticks were just...sticks.
I guess that's why I'm so enthusiastic about everything. Yeah, I don't have ADHD, as you all think, I'm just happy. Really happy.

Well, not recently, know.
Since Mike died nobody has been feeling very happy and the band broke up and...what reason would I have to be happy?

That I'm alive?
That Mike died and not me?

That's a crappy reason to be happy...

But, anyway, what else do you want to know about me?

How I found my passion for drums?
Well, I really liked to hit trees with sticks and tables with pencils. Mom always scolded me because it was annoying.
Eventually got me drums, because it was better to know I played an instrument rather than hit everything that came in my way with a stick.
And I really liked dnb. I still do. Only, I liked rock better.

Uhm, can we do this later?
I have to get on stage or else Joe won't give me my salary this week.