Shut Up

I'm worst at what I do best

Five digits constricted around my throat to crush my airways, five digits constricted around my wrist to prevent that from happening; five toes pushed at the wooden chair in which my human mirror sat, appalled with my terribly sloppy suicide attempt, five toes pushed against the wooden floor that felt damp and cold.

The Reaper grunted in frustration and placed two cold digits on the toes that were struggling helplessly to push him, to pry his thieving body from the chair( he had stolen both my features and my deep voice at which Em would laugh at idiotically, making Uri laugh as well, while exhaling a mouthful of searing hot smoke).

Smoke pulled at my eyelashes and left my orbs devoid of their protective layer of skin, smoke slid beneath my digits and, like acetone, pried skin from glued skin, smoke made five toes fall next the other five toes, on the cold, damp floor.

An ear-splitting laugh collided with my eardrums and made me cringe and cover my ears with my palms to hint my pain; the specter apologized and extinguished the barely lighten cigarette by the dirty surface of an ashtray.

"I recall you being a heavy smoker", he managed to spit out through rounds of earsplitting laughter; he was unable to stop his laughter, even though my face was practically begging him.

He knew so many facts about me and that made me think that he was either one of those very-informed Reapers, or maybe a failed wannabe judge that liked to play 'Who-knows-more-about-some-pathetic-human' and bet on it with clothes...

"I also recall you having the blackest lungs I've ever seen, so refrain from lunging at my cigs", he continued, his laughter dying out and being replaced by a constant full-toothed smile.

I scowled and returned to my previous activities, my digits constricting even tighter around my damaged airways;the specter growled and slapped my digits away, gripping my wrists both to prevent me from returning to my stupid attempts.

"You cannot die!", he screamed exasperatedly, shaking my wrists violently, as if to shake off the excess of stupidity from my brain."Stop acting so stupid, you infantile soul"

I cringed at the noun he used in referring to me, a cruel remembrance of my status as a dead person; I had lost any previous memories, only my name remaining to be forgotten and I was certain that it will be and that made me struggle to pull my hands free from the deadly grip of my Reaper,to return to my suicidal attempts.

"You cannot draw back the clocks!", he screamed, this time more violently, turning me pale as a true specter should be; his face turned black with rage and the fangs that he had managed to conceal under his lips now barring into a vicious snarl."I will not let you live!"

My eyebrows raised and my lips raised as well, both revealing the sadness that currently overtook my previous anger; it is just terrifying to hear those few words come out of Death's throat, his refusal to let me return to my previous, shitty life, in which I only lived to die...

I used to be so good at escaping death, each time passing by the ice-cold edge of it's scythe only by inches and now I cannot live and excel in death...

It seems I'm only worst at what I do best