Shut Up

And now war's declared, drawing the battle lines

This is a first... I'm in a lack of words strong enough to define my hatred that I gladly direct to the fucked up world in which I live...Well, I guess I'm not in a lack of words anymore...

I think it's useless to tell you my name, since you're a piece of paper and you have no neurons to retain this piece of information. Those of you that will read this shit after I die, well, maybe I was the creepy kid in the middle of the road that glared daggers at your back for no particular reason, the crappy guitarist that sung just before your favorite band, the dude that refused to wear his uniform in your school, the most fucked up of the fucked up...Is it enough of intro?

I had a nice childhood, except for regular punishments and suspensions from school for punching a kid's face raw, or for painting a nice 'Fuck you' on the school walls, or even 'God is Gay' as how Kurdt Cobain wrote to piss off homophobes. But then, childhood is not the most defining period out of a man's life, so it's stupid to say I had a nice life, based on 10 years of life( and yeah, my childhood ended at 10 years old because of a disgusting event I'll relate in a couple of seconds).

I could write my life in 20 notebooks, or 10.000, or I could spare your brain of all that information and summarize it in 20 or so lines...
I got raped when I was ten, raped again at 13 and then again when I was 14; is it enough for you to presume my life was ugly as hell? You can think however you wish of my life, you, the mass of destruction-fascinated retards that I hope to God won't come at my funeral...However, you, Em, are not allowed to judge me, because I'm not writting this shit to recieve your pity, but to inform you of all the things I never told you and brushed away with a 'My shit's my business'...

So, where was I? Oh, yeah...

After that my life turned upside down and I became a zombie( or, how I said, the creepy kid that glared daggers at your back).

And then I met Mike...thanks, dude, for turning my world back to normalcy...and fuck you, for making me regress to that zombie-like state...

He was the kid most thought went to jail or shot his sister, he was the shit-magnet that I stupidly tried to turn off.That poor kid...

After he died you could tell that I was reborned; not in some charming, obedient prince, but in the devil...or so Em told me.

And now I have to go, because what's-her-name wants me to fuck her again...