
Chapter 7

Billie Joe’s P.O.V.

She didn’t like me. I knew it from the way she was so silent in the car, but I had to know for sure. Being rejected for a kiss wasn’t something that happened to me on a regular basis, and it wasn’t something I enjoyed. Being rejected so coldly, in such a rude manner, did not go down with me too good at all. Angela would have been perfect for me. She would have helped me with my problems and understood why I am the way I am, but it seemed she refused to do that.

She was perfect. The way her lips were curved to sit perfectly against mine, the way she’d look at me when she thought I wasn’t paying attention, the way her smile lit up my day the way it did… I was smitten. I had to have her. If I couldn’t have this girl fit for me and only me, then no one else would, either.

It’d been the same with Adrienne, my loving wife of sixteen years. We’d been through hell and back together and still managed to stay strong and have two lovely kids in the process, but apparently, it was time to call it quits. I couldn’t let her leave like that. I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else’s hands all over her. I knew afterwards that what I’d done was wrong and that living with it for the rest of my life was sure to kill me, too, but Alison helped me through all that. She gave me a purpose, a reason to keep striving for love.

I’d waited for everyone to fall asleep before I headed to the dining room, straight to the liquor cabinet. Adrienne would say some truly horrible things to me at times, and alcohol seemed to soothe the pain. She’d be yelling straight through me if I were drunk, and so I took to it more often towards the end. It’d only driven us apart further but for a while, it kept us both alive. I needed to soothe that pain now, that one right in the centre of my chest that seemed to be growing with each passing second. Angela would probably find some college boy to date and then give her all to, but he’d only half deserve it. He’d never listen to her and she’d laugh at how once, this man tried to make her his.

I drank straight from the bottle as I sat in the dark at the dining table, contemplating what I was going to do. I thought about waiting until after school, but they’d know I was the one that drove her home. I then thought about doing it on one of those lazy Saturdays that her parents were out of the house, but James hadn’t done anything wrong to suffer the same treatment. And then I remembered the fight her and her mother had when she came home earlier and entered the house shortly after myself. I could hear them from my room. Her mother seemed to think she was faking the entire incident, despite her bandaged ankle, and had grounded her until further notice. Ohh, what a perfect night for her to say, sneak out of home and get in trouble on the streets. Obviously, the alcohol had done nothing. I took the bottle with me as I headed back to my room, packing only what I’d need for the night. A spare pair of clothes, a torch, my phone, and her phone once I reached her bedside table.

“Angela,” I whispered, shaking her a little in her sleep.


“Angela, its Billie. I need your help,” I said, sniffling a little for added effect. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“What’s wrong Billie? Is this about before?”

“No, love. This is serious. I need your help,” I repeated, smiling to myself as she lifted herself out of bed and found her jacket.
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Second update for tonight.