Cause You're Number One on My Wishlist


I trudged through the thick icy snow as I walked down the street, away from my house. It was like any other Christmas from my memories, with my entire family gathered together, crammed into the small one story house that me and my parents live in. It’s not that I don’t love everyone, but it was too much.

I just needed some air.

So I took a walk.

The only kind of jacket I had to keep me warm was my thin zip up hoodie over a little bit thicker long sleeve shirt, so my body quivered in the late night chill.

The way the moon’s light settled on the crisp, pure white snow was a sight that I had always loved. For some reason, it helped me to clear my mind. The quiet was nice, the only sound being the snow crunching under my feet. It was a pleasant contrast to the constantly loud noise back inside the house.

I wasn’t far from the house yet, just down the long street; I could still see the lights the shone out the windows.

I didn’t even notice anything was out of the ordinary until I found myself lying in the snow with a tall, skinny body on top of my own.

“Hey there Jordan,” came the voice of my best friend, who I hadn’t seen in months.

“Hey Christofer, I didn’t know you were coming up…” I laughed as he moved off of me, and then helped pull me up and out of the snow.

He wrapped his arms around me once we where both stable on our feet once again, pulling me into one of his famous hugs.

“Of course you didn’t know. I wanted it to be a surprise.” He laughed back.

After we had released each other from the embrace, we walked down the path that I had been going on before.

“So what brings you up here?” I asked.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t come and see you on Christmas? What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?” Chris said smiling widely over at me.

I just shrugged and smiled back at him.

“Hey Jordan?” Chris asked me after us walking in silence for a few minutes.

“What Chris?”

“There’s…” He started, “Never mind, just forget I said anything…”

“What is it? You know you can tell me anything…”

“I know… It’s just… I’ve been thinking lately…” He said nervously.

“Yeah?” I asked urging him on.

He stopped walking, and I followed suit. I moved to stand in front of him so I could look him in the eye. He put his hands gently on my shoulders, just looking at me as he chewed on his lip, deep in thought.

“Can I try something?” He asked suddenly.

“Yeah sure…” I said unsure of what he was going to do.

He moved forward quickly, and pressed his lips against mine in a kiss. He then pulled away quickly, removing his hands from my shoulders, and looked away just a quick.

“I’ve been thinking lately that I might have a crush on you.” He said, looking down.

I took a step towards him, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, making him look down at me.

“I’ve liked you for like the last year.” I admitted.

He smiled widely as he placed his hands on my hips before leaning down to kiss me again. Our lips moved together slowly, as we held each other close while cold air blew around us.

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