ICONic Boyz - Imagine If's

Nick Imagine If "Fearless"

Imagine if you were sound asleep in your room on a sticky mid-July night, peacefully dreaming of your 2 month-long boyfriend, Nick Mara, when you are abruptly awakened by the sound of your cell phone receiving a text message. Drearily, you roll over and reach a hand out to feel on your nightstand for your phone. Once you find it, you grab it and pull it over in front of your face and hit the "OK" button in the upper center of the keys. You rub your eyes to clear up your vision. The screen reads: "Nick <333 Sat Jul 16, 2:13 am"

Smiling to yourself at the thought of Nick, you press "OK" again to open the message. It reads "Meet me at the end ASAP" By 'the end', he's referring to the edge of the boardwalk you two love to sit on and look out at the ocean from. Just than, you get another message from Nick "I'll be waiting for you, beautiful ;)" A goofy, love-struck smile grows on your face, the smile that comes only for Nick.

As quietly as possible, you get yourself up and out of bed and into shorts and a t-shirt. Flip-flops in hand, you creep down the stairs and out the door, quietly shutting it behind you. Once you're on the front stoop, you put your shoes on the ground and slip them on your feet. Than, you head off towards the beach, just a few blocks down from your home. You really enjoy the walk over. The streets lack their usual traffic and it's so dark you can barely see your hand in front on your face. It's just a bit spooky, but you find it to be, even more so, peaceful.

As you climb the rickety steps up to the boardwalk, you feel even more serene. The air smells fresh with that salty sea breeze, and the only sound is the crashing of the waves in the distance. The perfect scene makes you smile, but it quickly fades as you realize you don't see Nick where he said he would be. You look around, although you can't see much in the darkness. "Nick?" you whisper as you search for him. Out of nowhere, someone comes up behind you and covers your eyes with their hands. "Guess who?" they whisper.

"Gee, I wonder" you answer back as you take Nick's wrists and guide his hands off of your face. You turn and face him. He's smiling at you. You feel as if you could just melt in a puddle at his feet. His smile is so sincere, so passionate. You smile back as you two start to walk towards the edge of the boardwalk. "So, what'd you get me out here for?" you ask. "Couldn't sleep" he replies. Leaning into your ear, he continues "Couldn't stop thinking about you" in a hushed, sweet voice.

Together, you sit, your feet dangling over the beach beneath you. You stretch your hands behind your back for support. Nick covers the one closest to him with his own hand. For a moment, there's no talking. You watch what you can see of the water flowing. Nick breaks the silence. "Beautiful water... beautiful night... beautiful girl." He looks up at you with those perfect, deep brown eyes. You look back intently, studying him. Without breaking his gaze, he starts shaking his head slightly. "I love you more than you'll ever know" he says. He's blushing now. You're choked up and your throat feels tight, but you bring yourself to answer "You're... perfect" in a soft, breathy tone.

Focusing on each other's eyes until they're closed, you lean into each other. It's so in snyc it's as if it had been rehearsed, planned out. But no, this was much better. It was surprising, spontaneous. As your lips find each other, the lyrics from that Taylor Swift song play over and over in your head. "It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something." So accurate. Your heart is doing summer-salts, your mind is racing, your hands are trembling. It's the best feeling you've ever experienced. With the best guy you've ever known - Nick Mara.