Sequel: Burning Me Away

Party All Night Until They Call The Cops

Like oh my god is that Charlie Scene?

"Johnny, fuckin' wake up, man. " J-Dog said shaking Johnny's sleeping body.

"What, dude? It's three in the fucking morning." Johnny relpied still half asleep.

"Dude! Get up and put some clothes on we gotta get to the hospital. Charlie's in the fucking hospital."

Johnny jumped up outta bed and threw some clothes on.

"What the hell happened?" he asked, scared.

'I'm not sure, but Kurlzz and FunnyMan took him to the hospital. We gotta get down there."

They called for a taxi and went to the hospital. The ride to the hospital was a long one even though it was only about ten or fifteen minutes away. They were worried about their friend, they don't even know what had happened to him.

When they got to the hospital they handed the cab driver some money and ran inside. They met up with FunnyMan, and went to Charlie's room.

"What happened to him?" Johnny asked impatiently.

"Some guy was talkin' shit on the band and so Charlie beat the shit outta him. He definitely won the fight. But, then he was just standing there and the guy's friend came up behind him and smashed a bottle over his head. He's gonna be fine he just needed a few stitches."

"Thank god! I thought he was fucking dying or some shit." Johnny screamed.

They all gave him a weird look, even the nearby doctors. No one was really sure why he had screamed that.

"Can I go back to bed guys? My head's fucking pounding!" Johnny asked now that he knew that his friend was going to be ok.

"Whatever dude, just go. We'll be back as soon as Charlie can leave." this time Da Kurlzz answered his question.

Johnny got another cab and went back to the motel. Once again, he got there, payed the cab driver and got out of the car. On his way back to the room he saw a girl standing outside in the dark.

"Johnny?" the girl started. "Is that you?"

It was the girl from earlier.

Johnny walked over to her and asked her what the hell she was doing outside at almost four in the morning. As he got closer to her he could see that she was crying. She had black streaks running down her face from her mascara which made him think that she had been crying for a while now.

"Hey, what's going on, what's wrong?" Johnny asked concerned, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She just looked up at him, with her blood shot eyes, not saying a word.

"What happened?" he asked her again.

She still said nothing, but this time turned so that he could see her back. There was a huge gash at the top of her back, and her tank top was soaked in her own blood. Johnny looked at her back in shock.

"Who did this to you?! I'll kill 'em!" he yelled.

There was a long pause.

"It- it was Charlie Scene."
♠ ♠ ♠

Comments anyone?