Sequel: Burning Me Away

Party All Night Until They Call The Cops

No. 5

The cops arrived soon after that. People came rushing out of their motel rooms when they saw the flashing lights outside their windows. No one knew what was going on.

"What did the guy who attacked you look like, ma'am?" one cop asked the girl.

"Well, I don't know. He was wearing a bandana around his face and glasses, so I didn't get to see what he looked like." she started, trying to hold back her tears. "He was about my height, maybe an inch or so taller."

"What was he wearing at the time of the attack?" the police officer asked, while jotting down some notes in his notebook.

"I-I... it was dark. All I know is that he had on some kind of skate type shoe. They were white, and he had on jeans and a black t-shirt. There's nothing that really stood out about him to me. He just looked like all the other guys here."

"We'll be on the look out for him ma'am. Don't worry about a thing." the cop replied arrogantly and walked away.

"Fuck man, that's why we hate cops!" Johnny started with agitation in his voice. "Not only do they like to crash parties, but when you actually do need their help they don't do shit!" he shouted.

"Everything's gonna be fine. We're leaving here tomorrow anyway." Charlie said, turning towards the girl. "How long are you gonna be here? You leavin' soon?" he asked.

"I don't have anywhere to go!" she yelled out in anger and began to run away.

"Well that was weird." FunnyMan said scratching his head.

They all went back to the motel room to pack their bags up and get ready to leave later that night. While they were packing they talked about the girl.

"Maybe we should just ask her to come stay with us for a while, you know until this whole mess passes over. I mean she does seem pretty fucked up and scared to stay here, I would be too. And, she's damn sexy!" Johnny mentioned.

"You really think that girl's gonna wanna go on the road with us? It's cool with me if you ask her, but I don't think she'll go for it." Charlie said. "But, you know, it is the thought that counts. That's all we're doin' here, right? Tryin' to be nice?"

They thought about it and agreed to offer that the girl come on the road with them for a while, mostly because they figured she wouldn't go for it.

They went back outside when they finished packing and saw that the girl was sitting at a table all alone with her head down. They asked her if she wanted to come stay with them for a little while, making sure that she knew that they were going to be on the road performing almost every night.

As she heard their offer she quickly lifted her head up off the table.

"Y-you mean it? You really want me to come stay with you guys?" she said with hope in her voice.

"Sure, you can be our number one groupie." Johnny said sarcastically with a smile on his face.

She let out a small laugh and thanked the band.

"I wanna come with you guys."
♠ ♠ ♠

Come on guys, let me know what you think!