Sequel: Burning Me Away

Party All Night Until They Call The Cops

Everywhere I Go (Bitches Always Know)

They spent the whole next day writing, from the time they got up until the time they went to sleep. They decided since they had got so much writing done that day that the next day they would go out, all over Los Angeles, something they hadn't had the chance to do in a while.

They didn't eat much while they were writing, so they decided to go and get something to eat. They knew the area very well and everything was close, so they walked everywhere that they wanted to go.

When girls walked by they made sure to say hi to the guys, and then they would give Kristyn dirty looks. They probably just assumed she was some groupie the guys had picked up.

"Hey Charlie." some random girl said. She then proceeded to give Kristyn a dirty look as she passed.

Charlie smiled at the girl and then kept walking.

"What's that all about?" Kristyn asked angrily.

"What's what about?" Charlie replied.

"That girl saying hi to you! How does she even know your name?"

"This is where we got started as a band, pretty much everyone around here knows us. They've probably even partied with as at one time or another." he said. "Plus, bitches know my name everywhere I go!" he said sarcastically, getting a laugh from the guys and a glare from Kristyn.

"What the fuck's her problem?" Da Kurlzz whispered to J-Dog.

"I have no clue, man." he replied.

They kept walking and could tell that Kristyn wasn't calming down at all.

"Kristyn?" Johnny said quietly, bumping her on the arm.

She just looked at him.

"What's you deal? What's going on with you and Charlie?" he questioned, still talking quietly.

"Nothing, why? What did he tell you!?" she said, louder than she needed to.

"Calm down. He didn't tell me anything, I'm just asking." he said back, very confused.

Johnny pulled Kristyn closer to himself and told the rest of the guys to go on without them. He told them that they would meet them at the restaurant.

He took her to a nearby bench and had her sit down.

"Will you tell me now what's going on with you and Charlie?" he asked, trying to get some answers out of her.

"I can't tell you, because there isn't anything to tell!" she told him with anger still in her voice.

"Come on Kristyn, it's just me and you. I know there's something, I'm not stupid. You should be able to tell me, the guy who got you away from San Francisco. So, will you please just tell me? Maybe I can help you."

"Well..." she started. "I really like Charlie." she said.

"That's it?" he asked. "You're this freaked out just because you like the guy?"

"I like him, but I can't like him!"

"Why? Because you have to go back home or something? You can always just stay here, if you want to."

"I can't like him because..." she paused.

"Because what?" he asked anxiously.

"Because, I'm... pregnant." she whispered.

"What?" Johnny shouted out of shock. "You're gonna have Charlie's baby?! I didn't even know you guys fucked!" he said, completely in shock.

"No. Not Charlie's baby... your baby."
♠ ♠ ♠

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