Status: Active!

Truly Wicked

How Am I Supposed To Watch Him Kick A Shark When He Has A Hook Through His Cheek!?!?

Once I was out of the shower, I decided that I would see if Holly wanted a girl day today. I went into her room to find her in her PJ's and on the computer. "Hey." I said. "Hi there." Holly said turning to me. I was about to speak but then she stopped me. "It is super cold old. Come on grab a jacket. Let's go out on the balcony." She said. As being I was in sweat pants and a tank top, a jacket seemed like a good idea. I grabbed my jacket and two cups of coffee and sat down next to her. "Thanks." She said as I handed her the cup. We were silent for a while, just listening to the sounds that we had dreamed of hearing since we were little. Holly, grew up in the small town of Shyuler, Nebraska. She was a farm girl who wanted to move to a big city and become a Broadway star. She like me was in the school's drama club. I sat there just thinking when Holly broke the silence. "I'm worried about the two boys you are leading on." She told me. I looked at her, "What? Does it really seem like that?" I asked Holly. I don't like to play with peoples emotions because it has happened to me before. She nodded. "Well, I will have to fix that now wont I?" I asked her. "Yes, yes you will." Holly told me. "So, I was thinking. Today let's just stay in our pajamas. We can rent a movie and I don't know. Maybe bake some cookies? Have a lazy day." I asked hoping she'd say yes. "Yes! How about I get started on the cookies and you go and rent three of four movies." She told me. I nodded and got my purse. "Hey, what movies do you want me to rent?" I asked. "How about all three Jackass movies, and that new movie um, Arthur." She told me. "Jackass? You don't seem like the type." I told her. "Hey, those are some good movies just go and get them. Oh! Get milk too!" She hollered as I walked out the door. I laughed as I went down to the grocery store a block away from out apartment building. "Fae! Wait!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see Cameron and Nate running towards me. "Hey?" I said wondering why they ran to see me. "What's up?" Cameron asked me. "Not much going to get milk and some movies." I said. "Mind if we escort you?" Nate said putting out an arm. I laughed and took it as well as Cameron's and we went in and bought milk then we walked to the rental movie place. I walked in and made a bee-line for Comedy. I found the Jackass movies and grabbed all three and then I went to the new releases and got Arthur. Cameron grabbed my movie selection. "Jackass?" he asked holding up a movie. "Yeah, Holly wanted them. But Jackass movies are a good time." I said grabbing it from him and paying for the movies. They walked me back to the apartment. "Thank you very much for escorting me Sirs." I said dramatically and curtsied. "Not alt all miss." Nate said bowing. "Bye." I said and Cameron tipped his pretend hat. I walked in and locked the door. "Good! Your back! The cookies just got out of the oven and are cooling. Which movie do you want to watch first?" She asked me when I walked into the kitchen. God, she seems like my mom sometimes. I laughed at that, and said, "Jackass." She nodded and I went into my bedroom and set the movie in the player, and went back into the kitchen, and poured two mugs of milk. "You actually went to the store in those?'' She asked me. I nodded and looked down at my PJs. "Yes. Yes I did!" I said proudly. She laughed and grabbed the plate of cookies. We went back to my room and got under the sheets and I started the movie.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" I screamed and hid under the covers. We were on the second Jackass were Steve-O had a hook put through his cheek. "No! You have have to watch him kick the shark!" Holly yelled. "How am I supposed to watch him kick a shark when he has a hook through his cheek!" I yelled watching the screen again. Steve-O then kicked the shark in slow-mo and then ripped out his hook which looked painful. We watched all of the Jackass movies, we laughed, we gagged, we cringed, and we were pretty satisfied. "Arthur?" I asked Holly. "Arthur." Holly agreed. She put in the disk while I got some more cookies from the kitchen. I put the plat in between us on the bed and we watched Arthur which was really funny, and was a nice cool off lap from the Poo Cocktail Supreme. Once the movie was over it was time to head over to the Gershwin theater. Holly had already left since I told I would clean up. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door to find Cameron standing there. "Can we talk?" He asked me. Oh Boy.
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Crappy filler. Sorry I have not been uploading, if you look on my profile thingy, you will see I have a few other stories going and also I have been traveling. Comments truly do make me write faster you guys. When you comment I think, Oh, they commented so they might want to read more. I dont want to lose my readers so comment and let me know your there! Okay, now that that is over I just want to say, 6 subbies! Holy Crap. It means the world to me that you sub and I never thought I would have subscribers. So this one is for you subscribers!