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She's Enough


Ashley’s pov
Kali, Drake, Lana, and I watched every scary movie from Blockbuster and set up the living room for a movie party while mom was at work. I felt just like a teenager again. We used to rent a bunch of horror movies and watch them like a huge marathon of the scariest movies we could find. I remembered when I first met Jimmy.

I tied my hair up into a high pony tail and waited for the next customer to come and rent a movie from the Blockbuster where I worked.

“Do you have Nightmare On Elm Street?” A voice asked.

I looked up to find myself looking into the most beautiful blue eyes that I had ever seen before. For a minute my mouth went dry as if I had forgotten how to talk.

“Hello?” He waved his hand in front of my face with a smile on his lips.

His labret shined when he smiled at me.

“Um no but I have a copy of it at home.” I blurted out.

“Do you mind if I borrow it?” He asked.

“No not at all. I‘m Ashley.” I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake.

He shook my hand and grinned, “I‘m Jimmy.”

Later that day he walked me over to my house after my shift ended. We had gotten to know a bit about each other and I guess you could say it was almost love at first sight. He invited me to a movie party and there we watched Nightmare On Elm Street. Most couples have songs but Jimmy and I we had a movie.

Maybe that story wasn’t too romantic but that’s how we met each other. First tour with his band and he just happened to meet me, or maybe I just happened to meet him. Does it make a difference?

“Ash, you okay?” Kali asked.

I wiped away a small tear and faked a smile, “I’m fine.”


It had been a week. I had officially changed my phone number and cut off all connection with them….well all except Gena. Gena was the only one who knew where I was. We sent a few letters back and forth. Basically it was just for her to reassure me that Jimmy was okay. He had been on suicide watch for a week and he only had one more to go before he could leave the hospital. Gena told me how bad he wanted to find me and that he never took the necklace I sent him off. Part of me wanted him to find me while the other part of me wanted never to be found.

Before I could get to lost in my thoughts the phone rang. We let it go to the answering machine.

“Hey um I hope this is the right number. If Ashley is there I want her to know that I love and miss her. I hope you come back soon babe, it’s lonely and cold without you. Anyways if this is Ashley please call me back. I love you. Bye.” Jimmy’s voice came over the machine.

My heart dropped into my stomach when I heard his voice again. How did he know where I was? Why did he remember my mom’s home number? Why can’t this decision be easy?
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