Status: I will be updating until further notice, as much as I can.

If Andy Sixx Were Gay

Trust & Protection

When I woke again, I felt a hand gently stroking my hair back. My eyes hesitated before opening, to look up at a soft-eyed boy with floppy black hair and pale skin.

I blinked up at my savior and reminded myself that he was mortal, and wingless. I reached up and placed a hand on his jaw. He responded by closing his eyes and tensing his jaw, but it was out of contentment. His head tilted slightly into my hand, before he pulled away with a exhale and stood up.

I blinked at him again and sat up, still sleepy. I watched him run a hand down his face. I finally broke the silence. "Mark?"

He looked over at me and smiled a rueful smile, & I found myself thinking, 'sexy....' He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Hey, how do you feel?"

I shrugged and looked down. "Better," I murmured.

"Do you hurt anywhere?"

"Just kinda sore. I'll be fine," I answered at my lap with a smile.

"Good. That's good," he muttered as he walked over to open the curtains to the rainy day outside. I breathed in deeply as he pushed the window open, one of those two-part windows that open like doors. I can never think of what they're called. The smell of the rain filled me with energy and made my heart swell at the thought of going out.

He looked over at me as if he was curious of my reaction. I smiled sheepishly and asked, "Could we go outside?"

He thought a few moments and I could tell that he was worried for me. Finally, he replied with, "It's raining".

"I know," I said excitedly. "Please? I love the rain." I heard myself and knew that my voice was full of life again.

He smiled, a hand on his hip, the other supporting him on the windowsill. "Me, too." He then came over to me, pulled the blankets away gently as a nurse would, then helped me out of bed. I smiled and, with his help, walked to the door.

"Are you dizzy?" he asked as I wobbled on our walk down from what, I realized was, the attic.

I nodded, and he wrapped his arm around my hips from my left side to grasp my left upper leg. Then, he was carrying most of my weight while I walked. The fact that he could wrap his arm al the way around me reminded me of how thin my frame was and I blushed, feeling inadequate. He was between wiry and buff, so, just perfect.

When we stepped outside, my head tilted back at the euphoric sensation that the air sent through me, clearing my head and restoring my equalibrium. Mark held me a moment longer, smiling down at me from his foot above, before releasing me. I walked through the grass, to the patio furniture, breathing with my mouth open, tasting the air. When I looked over at him, I saw that he was walking by my side and watching me.

I took in his flushed cheeks and his husky breathing, & it struck me: he was turned on. 'Really?' I wondered. 'By what?' He looked away from me & pulled out my chair, then sat in another.

I blushed nervously and sat down. "It sure is a beautiful day," I sighed.

He nodded and mumbled, "Yeah". It was then quiet awhile.

"Mark?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Hmmm?" he asked, switching his gaze from the swaying trees to me.

I played with my hair, which was now in soft little loose curls from the wet air. "Why did you save me?"

"Because you needed me," he answered simply.

I blinked at his quick and clearly true answer. His chivalry blew me away and I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat.

"What?" he asked, a smile forming on his lips at my surprise.

"'s just that, no one ever helps me, when they even notice me."

He watched me for awhile, then asked, "How often do you get beaten up, Squirt?"

I blushed an itchy red, embarassed. "It's Kyle," I pouted. "And not often."

He glared at me and, I swear, his eyes burned burned into mine and he dipped into my brain like Captain Jack Sparrow and a treasure chest.... 'No, no thinking about Mark as a hawt pirate right now,' I scolded myself. Back to the matter at hand. He knew I was lying, & I knew that I was an obvious liar; I always had been.

"Kyle," he said in a warning tone that made me fidget around on my bottom. I loved that dark look in his eyes. "Tell me the truth," he ordered, yet it was a slow and gentle command.

"I looked down at my nails and murmured, "A lot".

He clenched his fist and asked in a calm voice, "By who?"

I bit my lip, anxious. "Please...don't make me say," I whispered.

He reached out and took my hand, squeazed it tightly. I looked up into his face in surprise. He captured and held my eyes with his and said, "Tell me, please. I will protect you, I promise you".

I was sucked in by his intense sincerity. "HIM, mostly."

He understood and nodded. "I'll take care of it," he vowed, and I once again saw him as a brave, chivalrous knight.

My eyes widened and I said, "No!" I bit my lip, breathing heavily. "Please, leave it alone, Mark."

He squeazed my hand tighter and replied with a simple, "No".

I let out a frustrated groan, brought on by my fear. "Why do you care?"

"Someone has to," he answered. All his answers, he voiced so simply, as if he had everything figured out and was at ease. I wished that I could be that way. I looked down, biting my lip. He reached out and tapped belo my lower lip, causing me to blush like mad. "That's cute."

I bowed my head lower to hide my face with my hair. I wondered if he knew whatt he was making me feel. He laughed softly and stood up, making his chair grind back on the concrete floor. I looked up, wondering what he was doing, and just as I did so, he was behind me. Before I could turn around, he had leaned down and wrapped his arms around me, binding me tightly to his chest.

"Kyle," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "I could help you, if you'll talk to me. Tell me why they hurt you. Tell me if you're scared."

I shut my eyes tightly, scared to speak.

"Kyle," he spoke my name like a command. "You can trust me. I won't lie to you."

I shook my head.

"Kyle, I'll never hurt you. I'll be your friend." He sounded so sincere, like his heart and soul poured out with his words.

"Really?" I asked, finally trusting myself to speak.

"Yes," he murmured in my ear.

I bit my lip, deciding, then I wrapped my arms over his, blinking back tears. My feelings were a seemingly impossible mixture of overwhelming frustration and relief, fear and security. Above all, I was vulnerable. And I thought I might have been seeing my first glimpse of true happiness in a long, long time.
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Sorry it took me so long to update-- I was sick. Also, I've gotten no comments. Don't be silent readers <3