Status: I will be updating until further notice, as much as I can.

If Andy Sixx Were Gay

Whisper My Name

Mark and I were sitting on the couch in his living room, just talking and listening to Black Veil Brides in the background, the lights slightly dimmed, the house still empty. I wondered where his family was, but didn't ask.

I was comfortable and... content. I'd never been content with another person before. We were talking, about anything, and everything. We were laughing and touching eachother from time to time... only in a friendly way, though. But it was good to have another friend--I only had one close one, among my small flimsy group. Evryone needs friends.

"So, your imaginary friend's name was Drop Dead Fred?" he laughed. "That's so original," he teased sarcastically.

I shoved him in the arm. "Hey, that's a great movie!" I said in self-defense.

He kept laughing at me, the blush on my face probably not helping him quit every time he glanced at me. I shoved him again, but, this time, he toppled back off of the couch. I gasped and jumped down to his side. He'd landed on his back, legs bent at the knees in the air.

"I'm so sorry!" I told him.

"You caught me off guard," he grunted, rubbing the back of his head where it had hit the floor, with an arm slightly smaller than, but the same build as, Patrick Swayze's. The tendons and muscle rippling.... Oh, yes, that's probably correct: I wouldn't have been able to push him down if he had been on guard.

"I'm sorry, Mark," I said in a high voice, my hands fluttering uselessly over him.

He looked up at me for awhile, then reached up and grasped my shirt collar. I let out a soft yelp, thinking he was gonna hurt me because he was mad. He held me with my face inches from his. He then grasped the back of my neck. I stayed perfectly still.

He pulled me, roughly and gently, by the back of my neck, then mashed his lips to mine. I gasped, consequently letting his tongue into my mouth.his fast-working lips, hot tongue and ragged breath quickly made me surrender to him. We both moaned softly and he pulled me down into his arms, never breaking our fantastic kissing.

My head was spinning from the passion that he was putting into it and my tummy filled with butterflies. I wondered when he would let me breathe, and that thought made me giggle.

He broke the kiss and smiled at me. "What was that for, Cutie?"

I blushed and shrugged. "Nervous." My voice came out as a squeak, making my blush deepen to a flaming, itchy red.

He chuckled and hugged me closer, ruffling my hair. "Do you have any idea how you get to me? You drive me crazy, Kyle," he murmured softly into my hair.

I smiled a tiny smile into hs neck and he shivered. "I'm glad you found me," he whispered, and my lips moving against his neck must have GOTTEN TO HIM even more, because he gave a sharp intake of breath, shuddering.

He rolled over so that he was on top of me and kissed me deep and hard. I was swept up by and filled with his passion. My body pressed firmly to his and I twisted my fingers in his hair, kissing him back feverishly. I felt as if I was no longer in control of my body.

I felt his member growing against my leg and I heard a desperate sound come from my lips between kisses. Mark felt between my legs, making me gasp and whimper , then I felt as my own erection formed. I cried out softly, pulling his face back to mine by his hair and found his lips again.

Then the doorbell rang. We broke away and stared into eachother's eyes, breathing heavily. The bell rang again a minute later, followed immediately by urgent knocking.

"Kyle," he whispered my name and I felt my eyes well up, but I wasn't sure why. He then got off of me and kissed my hand. I watched as he tied a jacket around his waist and tossed me a sweatshirt as I sat up. He walked to the door and opened it. "Hello?"

"Hello, are you the boy who found my Kyle?"

'Mom,' I thought to myself.

"Yes, that's me," he answered. "He was just sleeping--he's exhausted after what happened."

"He is?" I could hear the tears in her voice. "But, it's been four days."

"Don't worry, Ms. Lox," he soothed her. "He feels much better. He healed quickly, too."

"Is he awake?" she asked, still anxious.

"Yes, I'll call him." He looked around the corner at where I sat with the sweatshirt tied around my waist to hide my slightly painful erection, breathing deeply. "Kyle," he whispered my name again and I looked up at him. He walked over to me and held out his hand. I sighed and took it, letting him help me up, then followed him to the door.

When mom saw me, she threw her arms around and pulled me to her. I sighed softly and patted her back. She was a bit clingy at times, but she had reason, now, so I let her hold me. Besides, I'd missed my mom.

She finally released me from the embrace and looked at my face, then said to Mark, "Thank you, so much. You're such a good boy". She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

He didn't look surprised or uncomfortable, just smiled at her. "It was no problem, Ms. I was happy to help."

She thanked him again and gave him our address and phone number, saying that he had to come over for dinner, soon.

He smiled and nodded, and she turned to leave. I looked at him and he gave my cheek a quick kiss before I stepped out onto the step, making me blush. I walked out.

"Bye, Kyle," I heard him whisper before the door shut behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, dear readers! Even though only 2 of you have commented, I know that 18 of you are out there! Thank you to laddi and lilprincess314! Pleaaaaaaaase don't be silent readers! It makes me all teary-eyed. :,( I'll update again when I receive more comments! Now, off with ya'll! ;)