Status: I will be updating until further notice, as much as I can.

If Andy Sixx Were Gay

Those Blood-Red Eyes

Two days later, Monday, I was greeted by, as I opened my front door, by Lani. "Kyle!" She cried happily as she tackled me in a hug.

I laughed and rolled on the ground with her. She kissed my cheeks. "I missed you, baby boy!" she exclaimed. "I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry, Lani-fare," I smiled cheekily, knowing that she couldn't resist my sweet, adorable gay charm.

She giggled and smacked my chest playfully, then helped me to my feet. I noticed that she was wearing her white kitten ears headband, as she did often, along with a fluffy, poofed-out black satin and lace mini skirt, and matching top with poofed and ruffled sleeves. Her black ankle-height boots were leather, with lacy black transparent stockings to her knees. "You like?" she asked me, spinning around once.

"Love," I said with a nod. "Hey, where'd you get that?" I asked, pointing to a shiny black heart locket with a keyhole hanging from her neck.

"My wrack, or the locket?" she asked, cocking a brow.

"The locket," I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Hm. I actually don't know."

I gave her a questioning look as we started off for our private school in LA.

"It was left in my locker--that somebody had to've broken into--with a note saying, "You're just fine, so don't cry". It's the same locket I wanted from 'Claire's', too."

"Wow...." I replied, then grinned. "Someone's got a crush on my Lani! Hee-hee!"

She shoved me playfully, a little smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Hey, he could be a loser."

"He could be a total troll," I replied logically. "And you could die a lonely, frigid virgin."

She glared, but ended up laughing as she asked, "So, you think I should pursue it?"

"Totally," I nodded in affirmation.

She laughed softly. "Okay, I'll think about it."

"That a girl!" We walked up the school steps.

"The guys will be so glad to know that you're okay."

"Lani, you told everyone?" I whined.

"No, your mom did. We were scared, Kyle; you were missing for four days! Then you couldn't even see anyone over the weekend!"

"Hey, I COULD have come out on Saturday, but mom wanted me to rest."

She touched my temple, where a bandage covered one of my many injuries. "You got so banged up, Kyle," she said in a soft, pained voice.

I shook my head. "I'm fine. It's not like it hasn't hppened before."

"But, Kyle--" she was cut off by our friends' shouts as they stampeded at us.

"Kyyyyyyyyyyyyle! !" they cried and captured me in a tight group hug.

Lani watched with a sad smile on her face. I laughed at my friends, who wouldn't have been my friends if it weren't for Lani--I was all alone in my life up until 4th grade....


I was playing Jacks on the concrete part of the playground at recess, something I loved to practice during that half hour almost every day, though my teachers wanted me to go play on the jungle gym, or four square, or a sport. Basically, play with other children. I didn't wanna. I was thinking of all of this and wondering why they were pushing me when I was shy, when somebody stomped on my hand.

I cried out and looked up with fear on my face. That was when I looked into those eyes. The eyes that I had always been so fascinated by, since I was in first grade. The eyes that glowed, red pools of blood. The eyes that enjoyed my pain.

He grinned evily down at me and hissed, "Hey, Kyley." He'd always called me that, and I didn't know why, but I didn't like it. Wasn't Kyley a girls name? He took his foot from my reddened hand and kicked me in the jaw, sending me flying back into the dumpster.

I cried out and tried to get away, and he caught me by the hair and slammed my head to the ground. The sharp pain shocked me into staying still. He then kicked me in the ribs and tummy.

I screamed for him to stop, then my eyes flashed open at the sound of a strong voice shouting, "Stop!" There, a few yards away, stood a smaller than average girl wearing white kitten ears, black short and shirt with a naughty word on it. She had a hand on her hip and fury in her eyes.

Rodney Blaine turned his head to look at her. He laughed meanly. "Make me."

"Get him!" she ordered. "Get him, get him, you oafs!" She shouted like a drill seargent as a group of kids were running from all directions at Rodney Blaine.

His eyes popped wide open as he was attacked and pounded into the ground. The girl ran over and helped me up, being slow and gentle. I looked up at her and started weeping, in both pain and relief.

She stroked my hair back and murmured, "Shh, shh, shh, it's okay".

[Flashback End]

From then on, Lani protected me the best she could, ordering around her band of monkies and making sure that I always had friends. That tough little girl sure could pack a punch, and she had a big voice and a big heart. I guess that's why she was Boss.

Now, I was being hugged and kissed by our friends, feeling so cared for and so safe. Safey is an allusion. I saw Tony Zamboroni heading our way, a cocky grin on his face. He ushered us out of the way and strode up to Lani.

She glared the whole one foot, two inches up at him. "What?" she asked sharply.

He smirked down at her and purred, "Easy, Kitten. I won't bite. Unless you want me to".

I tried to step to her defense, but Ali stopped and held me back.

"Be smart," she whispered to me. "She can take care of herself, baby boy."

I sighed and nodded, looking up at my favorite of our friends. She was petite and sweet-looking, with pretty natural blonde hair, like mine, but longer. Also, she adorned sparkling blue eyes and an award-winning smile. She may have been soft and adorable, but she had a high dignity, like Lani, and didn't allow anyone to mess with her. She also coddled me and made me smile.

"Piss off," Lani told him, making us snicker.

"Kinky?" He asked, cocking a brow.

She shoved him out of the way and walked past him angrily. "Ugh, you're disgusting!"

We all followed her, leaving him IN OUR DUST! Ahem. Excuse me. I mean HER dust. See, Lani's bad-assness gets me worked up. We dropped eachother off at our classes. I had first block alone.

I sat in the back of the room and looked up at the front. Blood-red eyes turned and smiled back at me.
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I want to thank lilprincess314, laddi, VampireKisses93 & Dallas Green. I want you all to subscribe, my lovlies!! <3<3 Comments, please :)