Not Afraid of the Dark

Chapter II

Dani and Katie were walking side by side in the town village. Their parents had given them some money to buy a couple of new gowns for the upcoming parties that they had to make an appearance at. Both girls despised going to the public parties. They were boring and provided no entertainment. The parties were meant for young women to get picked up by young men. Since both Dani and Katie weren't ready to settle down they dreaded the parties.

"I don't understand why we have to go to these bloody parties," Dani said as they walked down the street.

"I don't either, but in order to keep up our reputation we must make an appearance," Katie replied.

Dani let out a sigh of contempt. "Fine, but we must look our best for it," she said with a smirk.

Katie giggled as she hooked her arm with Dani's and pulled her into one of the most expensive dress maker's shops in the village. The owner of the shop met them in the middle of the shop with a large smile plastered on her face.

"Miss McCallister, Miss Peyton, so nice of you to stop by today," the owner said.

"Yes, well, we are in need of new dresses. There are a few parties that are coming up and we must look our best," Dani answered.

The shop keeper nodded. "Yes, of course, come with me. We just got a shipment of the finest material money could buy," she said sounding excited.

Dani shot a look towards Katie who hid her giggle behind her hand. They followed the lady of the shop to the back where she kept her material. Dani was looking for something simple, yet extravagant. Something that would make everyone's eyes widen just by looking at it. She would prefer to find the material in her favorite color, but she would settle for whatever they had available.

Dani and Katie stood still as two women took their measurements. They hadn't been to this shop before, so their measurements weren't on file. Once their measurements were taken, Dani started looking around for material for dresses and Katie walked off in the other direction. They had different tastes when it came to dresses, but that didn't hinder their friendship. Dani found soft silk fabric in multiple colors that she liked. She picked out blue, purple, and a soft yellow color. The store owner bustled over to her.

"Oh, those fabrics will make beautiful dresses," she said with a kind smile.

"Well, I'd like these three colors in this type. I'm still looking for more though," Dani informed her.

"Of course miss," she said, taking the three colors that Dani had pointed out.

Dani walked around the store and picked out at least five different fabrics that would be good for party dresses. She took them to the store manager who placed them with her other choices. She was done and now all she'd have to do is wait for Katie to finish making her selections.

Thirty minutes later Dani and Katie were leaving the shop. Their dresses would be sent to their address in a week. They were just lucky that the first party wasn't until two weeks away.

"Dani, I'm hungry let's go somewhere for lunch," Katie said, linking her arm with Dani's.

Dani smiled. "Sounds good to me," she said.


Micah and Riley were walking down the street when Micah noticed the two girls walking arm and arm. The bright blonde one, whose hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back caught his eye, and he pulled Riley to a stop.

"What is it?" he asked concerned.

"Look," he said, pointing in the direction of the two young girls.

Riley followed his finger and his eyes widened. He turned towards his friend. "We cannot let ourselves get distracted," he said after shaking himself out of his thoughts.

"I know that, but it wouldn’t hurt to meet them, would it?" Micah asked.

Riley, being the sensible one, was caught off guard by his question. "Well, no, I suppose not," he said.

"Wonderful. We need to find some party clothes then," Micah said sounding triumphant.

"Party clothes?" he asked.

"Yes, party clothes. There are a series of parties approaching rather fast and we need to look reasonable. Besides, we won't go to all of them. We'll just attend the masquerade ones," he clarified.

"Oh all right," Riley caved.

"Good man Riley," Micah said, patting him on the shoulder.

The two men entered the nearest clothes shop that would allow them to find the right clothes for the masquerade parties.


"Did you hear the rumors?" Katie asked.

"What rumors?" Dani wondered.

She and Katie were sitting outside drinking tea. They had to head home in a few minutes, but wanted to sit outside while the sun was still shining. It wasn't often that the sun shown, so they wanted to bask in it as much as possible.

"The rumors about these two new males moving to Mesa Falls," Katie answered.

"No, where did you hear such a thing?" Dani asked.

"My mother heard it yesterday when she visited the inn to make a donation in order for it to stay open," Katie replied.

"Really, did she see these two gentlemen?" Dani asked intrigued.

"No, unfortunately not," she said, "Mother told me that they are secretive and don't like being around people."

"Shame, it would have been nice to have seen them," Dani replied.

"Well, we must go. It's getting late and Mother and Father wanted me home before sundown," Katie said.

"Oh all right," Dani answered.

They finished their tea and then left the outdoor garden. Dani walked next to Katie. They were deep in conversation and not exactly paying attention to where they were walking. Dani was walking by the shops and Katie was by the street side when Dani was shoved to the ground.

"Dani, are you okay?" Katie asked, crouching down next to her friend.

"Yes, I should be fine," she answered.

Dani was a bit dazed at the sudden contact with the ground.

"Miss, are you all right?" a male voice asked.

Dani blinked her eyes to rid them of the sunlight as she stared upward. Her eyes locked with a pair of oceanic blue eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at him.

"Miss?" he asked again.

"Uh, yes, yes I'm fine," Dani said, standing to her feet.

Katie held onto her arm to help steady her friend.

"I am so sorry Miss. My friend was leaving the shop and not paying attention to where he was walking," another voice cut in.

Katie's eyes darted towards the other voice and she felt her heart stop a little as she stared into his pale, ice blue eyes. She swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed.

"Well, that was rather rude of him," Katie said.

She had to stand up for her friend. She couldn't let anyone push her friend around.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry about that," the first one said.

"That's fine, but we're late, now please excuse us," Dani cut in.

Katie held firm to her friend's arm. She didn't want anything else happening to her while they were walking home.


Micah and Riley watched as the two young girls walked off. When they were out of sight Riley turned towards Micah.

"Was that really necessary?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Well, I had to get a good glimpse of her features and I couldn't think of any other way to do that," Micah answered.

Riley scoffed and ran his hands through his hair. "Well, get your head out of your bloody ass and focus. We are here for a job. We cannot get distracted," he said.

"I know Riley. I'm not an idiot," Micah countered.

"We must go before it's too late," Riley insisted.

Micah nodded his head and they walked back towards the inn.