Not Afraid of the Dark

Chapter III

The woods were pitch black that night. Sight wasn't all that clear, but the full moon was covered by the dark grey clouds. Two figures were running through the trees. Their ears were perked up to the sounds of the night. They stopped when they heard a scream pierce the night. Sniffing the air the two figures took off in the new direction. Both of them were hoping that they weren't too late. The scream pierced the night air again and the figures picked up their speed. They made it to a clearing, but they were too late. There was a body on the ground already. The figures transformed and two men ran towards the body.

"Bloody hell," Riley muttered.

"I know," Micah said solemnly.

"We have to catch this guy," he said.

"We will Riley," Micah reassured his friend.

Riley transformed back into his other form and started digging a hole in the ground. Micah picked up the body and carefully started to place it in the hole. Once the body was inside Riley kicked the dirt over the body and then Micah transformed again. They were going to catch the thing responsible for all the disappearances.

The clouds shifted and the moon appeared. Both Micah and Riley lifted their heads and howled. They continued to run through the woods. They were on a mission and they wouldn't stop until they completed the mission either.


Dani was playing the piano again and Katie was staring out the window. She didn't want to draw or paint. Her mind was preoccupied with the two men that ran into them that day. She couldn't get the skinnier of the two out of her mind. She turned away from the window and looked at her friend.

Dani stopped playing the piano and looked at Katie. She frowned at the look on her face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Those men, the ones who knocked you down," she began, "I can't seem to keep them out of my mind," she finished.

Dani swallowed. "I know. It's hard to concentrate on playing because of them," she admitted.

Katie stood up from the small window seat and sat down next to Dani. She trailed her fingers along the keys lightly pressing on them.

"What are we supposed to do?" she asked.

"I don't know, but they seem to be really nice, despite the fact that one of them almost mowed me down," Dani answered.

"Do you think we'll see them at any of the parties?" Katie wondered.

"We might, which means we have to pick our gowns carefully," Dani smiled deviously.

Katie giggled. "Oh, did you hear that some of these parties coming up, including the first one, are masquerade parties," she said, after she stopped laughing.

Dani's eyes widened. "No. God, my ears must be drying or I must be losing my hearing," she said.

"No, you aren't. My mother just enjoys gossiping. Your mother enjoys lending a helping hand when she can," Katie reassured her friend.

Dani smiled warmly. "Well," she stopped suddenly.

Katie frowned. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That noise, did you hear it?" Dani asked.

Katie shook her head slowly. "No," she said.

Dani's spine stiffened again when she heard it again.

"Dani?" Katie asked.

Dani stood up from the piano bench and rushed to the window seat. She leaned against the seat trying to listen closely. The howling came again and this time Katie actually heard it.

"Oh my Goodness, do you think that's why everyone tells us to stay away from the woods?" Katie asked, joining her friend by the window.

"It's possible, but it sounds like someone's hurt," Dani frowned, as the howling came again.

"Oh, we must send for Constable Lockworth at once," Katie said.

"I agree," Dani said.

She gathered her skirts and rang for a servant. Her parents were out late at a cotillion and so were Katie's parents so they allowed for Katie to stay at Dani's house. Dani explained to the servant that had to go get the Constable as soon as possible so that they could talk to him. It was an urgent matter. The servant nodded his head and then left the house.
Dani went back to the parlor room and sat down next to Katie. She brought her friend closer to her. She wasn't afraid of the dark per say, more or less afraid for the person or people who might be injured. The Constable could take some townspeople to the woods and see if someone was hurt or not.


Micah was running a little further ahead of Riley. He had always been the faster of the two. They had been too late to save two people already and morning was still very far off. Although the two friends deduced that they weren't just hunting one thing, but at least two or three and maybe more than that.

Micah's ears pricked up when he heard the fain rustle of leaves. He came to a stop so that he could listen. He turned his head when he heard a gunshot go off. He went to run in that direction until he heard a howl of pain from behind him. He transformed and ran towards Riley's injured side. He had been shot in the leg by something, but he couldn't tell because of the darkness shadowing them. He grabbed the clothes and dressed himself as quickly as he could. He then turned his attention to Riley.

"Riley, you have to change back," he whispered urgently.

There was no way that he could bring a wolf back to the town. He waited for a few more minutes, but when Riley wouldn't transform he got worried. Riley let out a high pitched howl of pain when Micah placed his hands on him near his injury. Something wasn't right. The tables had turned and now both of them had become the hunted instead of the hunters.
He glanced around worried to move his friend, but he knew that he couldn't leave him here to die. He turned back towards Riley.

"I'm so sorry Riley, I'm so sorry," he muttered, as he slid his hands underneath his friend so that he could lift him.

He lifted him as gently as he could before standing up straight again. Riley was whimpering now, but Micah had to focus on getting to a place that held light. The woods were just too dark to see. His enhanced vision wasn't even helping. He ran as fast as he was permitted through the trees.

"HELP," he called.

He knew it was a bad decision to yell for help, but he was afraid his friend was going to die. He could treat him once he knew was wrong with him. He could hear footsteps close by, but he wasn't sure if they belonged to the enemy or to the innocent townsfolk in the village nearby. He kept running until he was able to see the edge of the woods. He let out a cry of relief until another gunshot was heard close by. The sound of splintering wood told him that the shooter had just barely missed him. He ran faster hoping to get into the clear of the village. Riley let out another whimper as his body was jostled.

"I'm sorry, Riley," Micah panted, "We're almost there," he added.

Two more gunshots were heard against the bark of the trees just as Micah managed to make it out of the woods. He didn't stop running until he saw about five or six men running in his direction.

"Sir, sir, are you all right?" a worried man asked.

"Yes, but my friend, he's injured," Micah answered.

The men stared at the furry friend in Micah's arms.

"We don't have anyone who can help a dog," the Constable said.

"That's fine, I have everything I need in my room," Micah answered.

"Are you sure everything is all right?" the Constable asked.

"Yes, I'm positive," Micah replied.

He left the group of men standing there as he carried Riley back towards the inn. He'd have to sneak him in considering he wasn't in his human form at the moment. Micah managed to carry him to his room and lay him down on a blanket on the floor. He ran his hands through his fir before he lit a lamp. He brought it over to his friend so that he could assess the damage.

"Oh God," he groaned.

With shaking hands Micah pulled out the silver dart that stuck out of his friend's leg. Riley howled in pain and Micah couldn't keep the single tear from falling. He hated seeing his friend hurt. He cleaned the wound and made sure that there wasn't any silver left inside. The minute the silver had left, Riley transformed back into his human form. Micah bandaged his leg quickly and then covered him up with a blanket. He grabbed his pillow and placed it underneath his head. He then sat down next to his friend so that he could wait out the night. The hunt hadn't gone as planned, but Micah was certain that they were a step closer in catching and destroying the threat.