Not Afraid of the Dark

Chapter VII

Lady Peyton took her daughter's shawl from Lady McCallister. She couldn't fathom to think that her daughter would leave without it. She felt her blood run cold at how cold the material felt against her warm skin. It had been on the terrace for quite some time.

"Let's discuss this at the house," Sir McCallister said.

Everyone nodded and then left the ballroom. They climbed into their separate carriages and made their way towards the McCallister Mansion.

The McCallister family and the Peyton family left the ballroom and regrouped at the McCallister mansion. No one seemed to understand why their daughters would disappear and not tell anyone. Everyone was worried. Lady Peyton was worried that the whole village would find out and think badly of the Peyton family. She wouldn't like that. Sir McCallister and Sir Peyton sent for the Constable, so that he might be able to help them locate the girls.

Everyone in the town already knew that both girls never went anywhere without each other. They were always seen together and they always did everything together. No one could even fathom what might have happened to them. Lady McCallister could tell that Lady Peyton was worried about the family's reputation, but she was more worried about the girls' safety. She wanted her daughter home safe along with Miss Peyton. She knew how much the girls relied on each other so if one didn't come back safe, then neither one would be a little lost.
Lady McCallister didn't want that. She wanted both to come home safe and be all right.

"Where do you think they might have gone?" Lady Peyton asked softly.

Lady McCallister never heard Lady Peyton talk so softly before. It was always a harsh stern tone of voice that she heard come from the woman's lips. She was much surprised to hear the soft tone.

"I don't know Kelsie," Lady McCallister said.

She wished she knew because then she wouldn't feel so worried, but something in her gut told her that something was seriously wrong. She never trusted anything as much as she did her gut feelings, but she was hoping that this time that gut feeling would be wrong.


Katie struggled to get free from Riley's grip, but he was too strong. She wanted to go back to Dani and save her. She prayed that Dani would survive, but wished that Riley hadn't taken her away from her best friend.

"Let me go," she huffed.

"I'm sorry Miss Peyton, but I can't do that," Riley said calmly.

He was walking through the woods with her in his arms. There wasn't anything moving around them and the sound of snapping twigs beneath his feet was a bit loud. Katie crossed her arms over her chest as he continued to walk. She didn't know where he was taking her, but she was a bit scared still. She remembered what Dani told her awhile back and uncrossed her arms. She wouldn't be afraid. She couldn't be afraid of the dark. She had to be strong because Dani would want her to be.

"Can you please put me down so I can walk?" she asked.

"Are you going to run?" he asked.

The last thing Riley needed was to run after her. He couldn't risk her safety. He cared too much about her. He wanted her safe and he felt bad about leaving Dani behind like he did. He knew that Micah wouldn't let her die though. He knew Micah cared about the blonde.

"No," she answered.

Katie knew that it was no use running. She was still a bit scared, but no longer afraid of the dark. She felt safe with Riley and no other suitor made her feel safe before. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, which was something she would never have done before. Riley froze for a minute before continuing to walk. His feelings for the brunette weren't something he could control, but he didn't want to let her out of his arms. He stopped walking and let her down onto the ground. He took hold of her hand and then started walking again.

"We must not stop," he said.

She nodded and held onto his hand. The warmth felt good against her chilled skin. She just hoped that there wouldn't be any more danger in the path they were headed.


Micah followed the shadow holding onto Miss McCallister. He had called the leader of the wolf pack that he had enlisted help from and he could hear him coming up really close to him. He had to stay as far back as he could in order to keep himself from being detected. He just wanted to get Miss McCallister back safely.

The wolf pack leader caught up to Micah and ran next to him. They communicated with their eyes to let each other know what the next plan was. Micah shifted mid-run into a wolf so he could run faster. He couldn't let Miss McCallister get away from him. He had to stop the person from doing anything to her.


Riley stopped suddenly and Katie was jerked to a harsh stop.

"What is it?" she asked.

"We have arrived," he answered simply.

"Arrived where?" she asked.

"The safe house, which is where you must stay until this is completely over," Riley replied.

"But what about Dani and my parents and her parents," she asked.

"Dani will join us shortly," Riley said.

"And our parents," Katie wondered.

"They mustn't know about this. It will be the only way to keep them safe," Riley said.

Katie didn't question anything further. She had to trust Riley. She felt safe with him so she had to trust him. Riley squeezed her hand and then led the way towards the house. Katie couldn't see it because of how dark it was. All she was able to make out was a large shadowy structure so she assumed that, that was the safe house that she'd be staying in. Riley opened the door and led her inside. He then closed the door and locked it before turning back towards her. He smiled at her and then opened his arms. She walked into his arms and he wrapped them around her.

"Everything will be all right now," he whispered softly.

Katie couldn't help, but agree with him. There was something about him that just screamed calm and safety and that's all she ever hoped for when finding a husband. Riley rested his head on top of hers as a slow sinister smile creeped across his face. He knew Dani would be joining him very shortly. It wouldn't be long until the ceremony was complete. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth and then brought it up to her mouth. He clamped it over it. She struggled and fought to break free of his grip, but it was no use. She looked into his eyes wondering why he was doing this to her. He placed a kiss to her forehead as she went limp in his arms.

Riley picked her up and carried her towards the room that he had prepared for her. He laid her down on a comfortable bed, but then grabbed a chain and closed it around her ankle. He didn't want her to be completely unable to move. He placed one more kiss to her forehead before leaving the room. He walked back down the stairs and towards the door. He unlocked it just as another figure was about to knock. Riley opened the door and ushered the shadowy figure inside. He quickly closed the door behind him and locked it again.

"Put her in the room, but not the same room as the other," he said.

"As you wish, Master," the man said.

Riley watched as the man walked up the stairs with Dani. He turned away from the stairs and headed into the kitchen to make some tea.


Micah couldn't believe his eyes. He had returned to his human and stood there watching the scene before him. He couldn't understand why someone would turn their back on him. It made no sense and he felt as if his heart had just been crushed by the one person he thought he could trust with everything. He felt a single tear slide down his cheek as he continued to watch the house.


Dani groaned as she regained consciousness. She scrunched her eyebrows as she felt pain shoot through her head. She let out another groan as she moved her head. She opened her eyes and shifted around. She sat up and rubbed her head as she regained her vision. It swam a little still, so she blinked her eyes to clear it. She found herself in a room and with three doors. She looked at the bed she was laying and her heart stopped when she saw her ankle chained. It was the only thing keeping her to the bed, but she still didn't like it. There wasn't much light, but she could make out just a little.

"Aw, Miss McCallister, you're awake at last," a voice said.

Dani jumped at the intrusion. She searched the room for the person who had spoken. She couldn’t see a face, but she managed to make out a silhouette of a man.

"What do you want with me?" she asked as calmly as she could.

"All in good time, Miss McCallister," the man said.

Dani scrunched her face up in confusion. She recognized that voice, but she couldn't place it at the moment.

"Do I know you?" she asked tentatively.

"I don't believe you do," he answered.

Dani stared at the dark silhouette of the man as he moved out of the shadows and into the pool of moonlight splashing through the curtained window. Dani gasped when she saw the face of the man.

"Riley?" she asked shocked.
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Three more and this story shall be ending.