Not Afraid of the Dark

Chapter VIII

Riley smirked. "No, I’m not your precious Riley, but I must say he has helped me win over your best friend," he answered.

Dani clenched her fists. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?" she screamed.

"Oh, she's safe, don't you worry about that. My brother is late, but I assure you that you will get along with him just fine," he replied.

"What do you mean?" Dani asked breathing hard.

"Oh, nothing to worry your pretty little head over just yet," he said.

"Who are you?" Dani asked.

She couldn't believe she fell for it just as much as Katie did. She hated that she had been fooled because nothing fooled her before. She didn't know why this time was any different. She was just glad that Micah's friend wasn't going to hurt them.

"I must leave now, but I'll be back," he smiled.

She scowled at him as she watched him walk out of the bedroom. She just hoped Katie wasn't injured. She wouldn't be able to handle something happening to her best friend since she had been the one to tell him to take her. She moved to the head of the bed and curled her legs up so that her knees were pressed against her chest. She started rocking back and forth as she rested her head on her knees. She wanted Micah and that was a first for her. She had never thought about one guy like she did Micah.


Katie woke up with a groan. She couldn't remember where she was. Her head hurt, so she rubbed it with her hand. She went to stand up and a loud clanking noise caught her attention. She looked down and noticed a chain around her ankle. She let out a groan. She thought she was safe and then Riley drugged her with something that knocked her out. The memories were all coming back now and she hated him. The door to the room opened and she looked up.

"Aw, you're awake. I'm glad," his voice said.

"I hate you," Katie spat.

"That's a shame. I was hoping you'd love me. Oh well, that's fine. Time will help that along," he chuckled lightly.

"You're sick and twisted, and I hope you rot in hell," Katie hissed.

She didn't want him anywhere near her and she hoped that Dani was still alive. She couldn't hate her best friend though because she had only been trying to protect her. She didn't know that Riley was a fake. She could never hate her best friend to begin with anyway.

"Now that you're awake, I want you to change into this," he said, holding up a simple white gown.

"Go to hell," Katie answered.

She didn't know where this courage was coming from, but she liked it. She just wished that Dani could see how brave she was being. She stared at him not letting him see how scared she was deep down. She knew Dani would be proud of her. She didn’t even blink and he was standing in front of her. He grabbed her face in his hand. Her breathing picked up as she stared into his cold, dark blue eyes.

"Do you want to get hurt?" he asked softly.

Katie shook her head no. The last thing she wanted was to get hurt. He smiled softly at her.

"Then you'll put on this dress. Otherwise, you'll get hurt, or better yet, I'll hurt your friend," he told her.

"No, no don't hurt her. I'll do anything, just don't hurt Dani," Katie pleaded.

"All right, so you'll put on this dress?" he asked.

Katie nodded her head. He smiled at her and caressed her cheek. She flinched a little at the contact.

"Good girl," he said.

He moved away from her and left the dress on the bed. "The bathroom is the door in the corner," he said before leaving the room.

Katie felt warm tears start to cascade down her cheeks. She didn't know when he'd be back so she grabbed the dress and took it towards the bathroom. She wiped her tears the best she could as she grabbed the hem of the pale gold dress and pulled it over her head. She dropped it to the floor and then pulled on the white one. She lifted her hair out of the collar and let it fall over her shoulders. She wiped her eyes and then moved back towards the bed. She sat down on the bed and pulled her knees up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around them and rested her head on them. She didn't want to be here, but apparently she didn't have a choice.


Micah shook with anger. He couldn't believe that his best friend would betray him. He couldn't believe that he would go back on the vows they took to protect mankind from creatures of the night. He stared at the house in anger. He wanted to barge in and rage a full battle against his friend, but he knew that that wasn't a smart idea. That would surely endanger the girls and he couldn't let that happen. He had to keep them safe. They shouldn't have been pulled into this lifestyle to begin with and for that he hated himself.

The wolf pack leader nudged Micah with his muzzle. He looked down at him and then back towards the woods. He heard movement and something was coming up on them rather quickly. He looked back at the wolf pack leader and nodded his head. Micah heads in one direction and the wolf pack leader heads in the opposite. They hide behind a clump of trees to keep their cover. Micah wanted to attack, but the leader didn't want to make the mistake of injuring or even ending up killing the two women inside the house. Micah listened only because he knows he's just being irrational at the moment due to being betrayed by his best friend. He knew he had to stay calm, since that would be the only way for him to save the Miss McCallister and Miss Peyton. He sits in the clump of trees waiting to see what might happen next.


Riley groans as he finally wakes up. He tried to move, but cried out in pain. He looked down at his leg and saw a silver stake in his left leg. That was the second time it happened to him and he was starting to get fed up. He looked to his left and found a bottle of antiseptic just sitting there. He didn't know where it came from, but he needed it. He grabbed it and then sat up as slowly as possible. He pulled the stake out and with clenched teeth. He tossed it aside and then cleaned his wound of any leftover silver. Usually, Micah would have cleaned, but he didn't know where his friend was.

Once he knew his leg was started to heal he got up from the floor he was laying on and then limped his way out of the building. He found himself on the street in the village. The feeling in his leg was slowly coming back and he was thankful for that because he knew that he'd have to run eventually. He had to find Micah.

Someone had knocked him out two days before the masquerade party and now he didn't know what was going on. His thoughts went to Miss Peyton and he wondered if she was alright. He had heard whispers of how they would kidnap both girls and use them for a ceremony. He didn't know what kind of ceremony, but he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be good. He swallowed hard as he made his way towards the woods.

"YOU THERE, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" a voice yelled from behind him.

Riley turned to see two men approaching him. He stopped walking so that they could catch up. "I'm headed towards the woods," he answered.

"Those woods aren't safe at night, young man. You'd best be getting yourself home instead," the man who had stopped him said.

"What is your name?" Riley asked.

"I am Constable Lockworth. This is my deputy," he said gesturing to the other man.

Riley nodded. "I'm sorry, Constable, but I must go to the woods," he said.

"You're hurt, you shouldn't be walking around on a hurt leg," the deputy said.

"I'm fine," Riley said, trying to stand without favoring his left leg.

"I should arrest you for not obeying curfew young man," Constable Lockworth said.

"Then arrest me because if you don't then I'll just be on my way to the woods," Riley spat out.

He was getting frustrated and he had to change. He could feel the beast wanting to be let loose, but he had to keep himself under control. He may be a shape-shifter, but between him and Micah, Micah was the one who had the most control over the whole thing.

"Young man, you ought to go see a doctor for that leg of yours," the deputy cut in.

"I said I'm fine, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now," Riley said.

He turned on his heel and started to walk towards the pitch black forest.

"STOP," Constable Lockworth yelled.

Riley ignored him and broke into a run. His leg felt ten times better. He knew that the two men wouldn't be able to catch him. He ran towards the woods and just as his shadow was engulfed by the blackness of the forest he shape-shifted into a wolf and let out a loud howl.


Micah heard the howl and cringed. He didn't want any other wolves compromising his position. He was planning out his attack and needed to concentrate. He couldn't concentrate if he was distracted. He stared at the house and tried to find a way in that would help him keep the surprise on his side. He had to be extremely careful.

Micah heard the pounding steps of padded paws on the forest floor. He assumed that the leader had called his pack to help. Another howl broke through the night air and Micah felt chills slide down his spine. He turned his head just in time to see a wolf come to a stop in front of him.

It was breathing really hard and Micah didn’t know why. He reached his hand out to touch it, but it shifted forms. Standing before him was his best friend.

"Riley?" he asked shocked.
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Two more and then it will be over.