Status: oner shot story for a contest

Synyster Gates and Avenged Sevenfold,Thank You!

Synyster Gates and Avenged Sevenfold


Some people might say that they like him because he's cute and he's sexy and he's the best guitar player ever since slash.They also might say that he's the rockstar the industry has been looking for.But for me he's my hero that changed my life foREVer! and the person I speak of is none other than Synyster Gates!

When I was 12 I fell in love with avenged sevenfold and altogether changed from being the Hip-Hop loving girl to the Avenged Sevenfold Metal loving girl.You see,I would be totally honest with you.At first I didn't know who Synyster Gates was,until one day I decided to look him up and to my surprise I was shocked.The guy was freaking hot AS HELL! I thought I was seeing things,but Iwasn't he just looked that good,and from then on I fell in love.But then,one day I started looking more up on him and Ialways had wondered why Avenged Sevenfold always had good solos ,well turns out synyster gates had been doing them with his partner Zacky Vengeance.I'm 18 now,and I'm extremely in love with him and hope to one day meet him and avenged sevenfold.

I will end it here because if I keep going on I will get creepy with it and I'm sure nobody want's that,do they? thought so.

But I also have lot's of love for him as a person,I LOVE HIM a lot.Now it's 2011 and I can't never get enough of him,he's like my drug and I love that drug.Synyster Gates changed my life in so many ways I can't even amagine.The best thing about him though,is that he is himself and want's to be something in life instead of copying off of others.The next bes thing about him is that he has the worlds best friend's ever.

Matt Sander's who's a great guy and can give you advice on anything and will back you up and stay by your side till the end.

Johnny Seward,who is also known the jimmy and the other's as Short Shit is fun to be around although to them might be a pain in the ass,but no matter what he still loves his friends even if they beat him up and pick on him sometimes,okay maybe half the time.But he's alway's there for them.

Zachary Baker ,the you know guy (lol)he's always there for brian and they are amazing as axe players.That guy is funny and does some of the funniest things,and he's an awesome friend to brian.

Then there's Jimmy,the life of the party.That guy is awesome in his own way and funny like hell no wonder everybody likes him so damn much and he's like a family to anyone who know and to anyone whose been a fan of him and supports everything he do.

In my opinion Avenged Sevenfold are brother's and are a big family who pretect and care for each other no matter the cause and that's why I like them.

And i'M glad to be Welcomed To Their Family,thank you Avenged Sevenfold and R.I.P Jimmy <3 Gone But Never Forgottened foREVer! .
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it sucks i know and i sound like a crazy person...sorry if i do

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