Status: Last Updated: July 13th, 2011 - Re-Wrote Chapter 1!!

With Corruption, Everyone Pays

Everytime I Look

“57-Red responding to distress call. I have the suspecI t’s vehicle in sight. It’s a red Chevrolet Avalanche, License plate Tom-Eight-Victor-Five-Zero-Nine. Run a 10-15.”


I tossed the handheld corded radio into my lap, pressing a touch on the acceleration pedal as the truck in front of me continued to speed up. Pulling at the black uniform collar, I continued to breathe while waiting for Central to get back at me. James was on duty, so his plate checks usually didn’t take forever and a day.

“57, the vehicle is a 10-16, continue in pursuit. Is the assailant armed?” Scoffing, I looked at the right hand side of my windshield, where the fucker tried shaking me only minutes before. So not only was the vehicle stolen, he thought he was going to get away with it. Yeah, I don’t think so.

Gripping the radio, I pressed the transmit button with my middle finger, noting the county sign that just flashed by, before glancing at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight, and it looked like my night was just beginning. “10-4, suspect just crossed over into Camden County. How far do you want me to take him?”

“10-3 to Central, 57.” I was tempted to push the transmitter button, but only replaced it back into its holder. Pressing the center compartment top down, it popped up, revealing paperwork, ticket pads, and my work cell. Why the hell couldn’t he just say it over the radio? We weren’t an open frequency.

Hitting the speed dial #2, I turned on my Bluetooth, setting the phone back in the compartment before shutting it, the ringing going off in my left ear only for a moment, before it was picked up. “Fuck you, James.”

“That’s the spirit, Abby. Anyways, firecracker, you’ve got Miguel De Los Santos on your hands. Big problem in North Jersey with drug trafficking. He’s taken down quite a few of their officers, so be careful. I have Air One getting ready to leave Newark, just in case. He’s a runner.” Huffing, I switched the pattern of my lights.

“Tell me something I don’t know, Jamie. This fucker shot out my windshield, which means I’m back to the bike. I’ve been on his tail for nearly an hour, it’s become almost a chore.” Resting my elbow on the window, I used it to prop my head up. For some high-end criminal, he sure was taking it easy.

“Yeah, well, be careful out there. I contacted Philly’s police department, since you are nearing the border, thirty minutes out, and they’ve agreed to help catch this sleazebag.” I saw several lights up ahead, indicating either houses, or a small town that held up a stark contrast to the lands of Eastern Camden County. “Look, Haddonfield is fifteen minutes up the road, alright? You should be seeing some lights soon.”

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes. Pulling extra hours to make up for our lost men who keep having to go to North Jersey was starting to catch up to me. “I see them.”

“38-Blue responding to high-speed chase broadcast with a 10-13. Confirm, 57-Red.” I couldn’t help but grin, as the older voice of Chris Andreychuk seeped through, offering his assistance. He had been transferred to the Jersey Shore area, but quickly put in a request to the glorious city of Philadelphia. The scumbags irritated him enough to the point where I’m pretty sure he would have killed anyone who resembled Snooki.

“Get Chris to cut him off at Maple Berry. You can’t miss it. Trap him in the neighborhood. Philly is on the backside. Go get em’, Abby, and for god sakes’, be careful. These asswipes are getting smarter every day.”

“But they aren’t smarter than us.” Picking up my transmitter, I pressed the button while ripping out my Bluetooth and throwing it into the passenger’s seat. “Standby 38. Heading southwest on 295, we have a red Chevy Avalanche, heading through Haddonfield in t minus ten minutes. Suspect is confirmed to be armed.”

I released for a moment, giving Chris time to get closer. He was more familiar with Camden than I was, since it was his original district. “Copy that, 57. I see your beams. I’ll meet you at the first light, and we’ll force him into the neighborhood. Standby for further instruction.”

Grinning, I felt the adrenaline start to pump through my veins as I pressed the button again. Flexing my fingers to work out the jitters, exhaling to calm my nerves, I couldn’t help but feel excited. “Copy that, 38.”
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I finally re-wrote this chapter, and I'm writing the next one now. I got this bout of motivation, and finally put it to good use. I've been so lazy lately, but it's starting to look up! :)

Anyways, comments are greatly appreciated ;) Ugh, I love the first few chapters.


10-15: License Plate Check(Verify if reported stolen)
10-16: Vehicle Reported Stolen
10-3: Call Dispatch(Central)