Life of a Teenager

Meet The Family (Just Edited)

It was Friday and I was sitting in my now unshared room that I finally had all to myself instead of sharing it with my annoying, room hogging, twelve year old younger brother Mikey. I sat writing in journal in my bed on the top bunk that Mikey used to have, but now the bottom bunk had a crappy desk with a crappy computer on it. But hey , at least it had internet and that was good enough for me.

Just then, I heard a crash in the living room. I jumped at the noise and closed my journal and walked out of my room, through the hallway, and into the living room where my two older brothers, seventeen year old Derek, and, same age as me, sixteen year old Benny, were playing football, and my nineteen year old brother Max, was watching t.v with Mikey. But now they weren't. They were all staring at the broken lamp on the ground. I looked at them and then the lamp.

They noticed me standing in the hallway and Derek and Benny both said, "Uh-oh."

I shook my head and looked at them.

Derek and Benny both hurried up to me saying, "Please don't tell uncle Steven."

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked.

I was trying to get them to bribe me. Hey, a girl in an all guy family has to get her perks some how. Derek thought for a moment, "What'll it take?"

Then I thought for a moment, "Derek, you have to do the laundry for a week. Two weeks."

"But I don't know how to do the laundry!" He complained.

I rolled my eyes, "If you're gonna be married, you better start learning. Benny, you have to let me come to one of those parties you go to on the weekends today."

Then Derek went and cleaned up the mess.

On the weekends, Max always has to stay with me since mostly everybody was gone, and I usually drive him nuts! I know he's gonna back me up on this one if Benny says no.

Benny looked at me in a 'are you nuts?' kinda way and said, "No way. Those parties are for older and more mature teens. I can't let you go."

He shook his head. Max looked up at his younger brother who objected and said, "Why do you go then?" We all laughed.

Benny always liked to pretend he was more mature than the rest of us, and he was like my twin. We did a lot of things together, we looked a hell of a lot alike, but he never took me to the parties, or even invited me. Then Max stood up and made himself look tall and assertive in front of Benny and said, "Benny, if you know whats good for you, you'll take your sister." "Bu-." Benny knew there was no use in arguing with Max. Especially when he said it in his big tough voice. Once Max made his point, he sat back down next to Mikey.

"Fine." Benny said sitting down next to Mikey too.

I went down and sat on Benny's lap and smiled, "What time do I have to be ready?"

Benny thought for a moment and answered, "Seven. Just don't let uncle Steven know where you're going."

I nodded and then Mikey stood up and body slammed us.

"Mikey!" We both yelled.

Benny pushed him off and I slid off Benny's lap and sat in Mikey's spot.

"Hey! Gimmie my spot back!" Mikey yelled.

I shook my head, "Don't think so squirt."

Mikey looked at Max and Max stood up and looked at me.

I knew what he was going to do, "Don't you dare!"

Max bent over and dug his hands under my legs and picked me up hauling me over his shoulder.

I stayed there as my hair fell over my eyes and I said, "I'm so gonna kill you, Max."

"Love to see you try from that angle lil' sis." Max laughed.

Then something popped into my mind, Max was very ticklish in his ribs, so I reached down and started to poke him in the sides and tickle his rib cage. That wasn't a very smart idea, because he dropped me on the couch.

"Ouch! You dropped me you big lug!" I yelled at him, and then he sat on me, "You're supposed to be picking on Mikey, not me!"

Then Derek and Benny got up and tried to tug Max off of me, but Mikey got up and tackled Derek. Derek picked up Mikey and hung him upside down and he yelled, "Put me down!"

Stark, the German shepherd, was now dancing and barking around them too.

Benny finally hauled Max off of me, and Derek dropped Mikey off on the chair next to the door where Uncle Steven had finally entered, "Hey guys!"

Mikey and Stark were the first to greet Uncle Steven,

"Uncle Steven!" Mikey yelled running up to him with Stark following.

"Hey Mikey, I got you a present!" My Uncle Steven exclaimed as he pulled a bright orange box out from under his coat.

Mikey didn't have to take a second look and took it from Uncle Steven, "What is it! What is it!"

Uncle Steven's smile was so big, you could tell he really cared about this family and would do anything to keep it together and keep us happy. Uncle Steven is an awesome guy and wouldn't do anything to hurt some one he loved or even hated, but he'd know to do the right thing. That's how Max, Derek, Benny, Mikey, and I were all brought up. The boys and I would be living in a world of darkness since our father became a loose convict, if it weren't for Uncle Steven who offered to take us in after no one else wanted four harmonic boys and a, well, just a teenage girl.

"Why don't you open it and find out buddy." Uncle Steven said.

Mikey opened the flaps of the box that fit together like a dovetailed fold. Then, when he opened it fully, we all saw a bright yellow baby python stick its head out and flick its bright pink tongue.

"Wow!"Mikey said excitedly.

Uncle Steven took the snake out of the box and held it in the palm of his hand and said, "This little girl-"

He was cut off by Mikey, "He's a girl?"

I shook my head and said, "Shut up Mikey, how would you feel if you were a snake and your owner was a girl?"

Uncle Steven looked at me and then back at Mikey and continued, "This little girl, I picked up from my work. They were going to send her to a local zoo that wasn't a very clean place for the animals. I figured I would take her home, and give her to you."

Mikey thought about it for a second and then held out his hand. Uncle Steven put the snake in his hands and it curled around Mikey's wrist and fingers moving its head slowly and checking out the new heights.

Mikey rubbed the back of her neck softly and she seemed to like it because she pushed her head towards Mikey's fingers.

We all watched the snake for a few minutes until Max asked, "Whats her name?"

Uncle Steven had to think for a minute and answered, "Severus."

I looked at Uncle Steven and said, "She looks more like a Lucy."

Mikey looked at me then at our uncle, "I like the name Severus, but Lucy sounds more like a girl name. Her name is Lucy."

Mikey walked over to me and sat next to me and showed me Lucy.

Then Benny looked at his watch and said, "Oh crap. Baylee, we better get ready."

I looked at my cell phone clock and said, "Okay."

I got up and started to walk with Benny towards the hallway of our bedrooms.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where are you two going?" Uncle Steven asked.

Benny and I looked at each other and I nudged Benny to explain, "We're going over to a friends house to study for a big test on Monday, we might spend the night. Right?"

Benny looked at me and I nodded.

Uncle Steven sighed and said, "Forget I asked because I know you two are lying to me."

We shrugged and I ran into my room to get ready. I dug into my dresser drawers and found a simple black dress, cut off a little above the knee and held up by a single shoulder strap. At the bottom, flared slightly, were ruffles that gave it a fancier look, and rhinestones that ran only added to it's appeal. I brushed my teeth again and straightened my hair and parted it more on the right side. Then, I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come on Baylee! I gotta get ready too!" Benny hollered from the other side of the bathroom door.

I opened the door and looked at Benny and said, "Ready?"

Benny looked me up and down and said, "Nice outfit. I'll be out in a minute."

Then he went into the bathroom and I went to go wait by the door. When he came out we went into the garage and got into the Z20 90's camaro convertible and he put the top down and we drove on to the party.